12th September 2024 | 4 Views | 0 Likes

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The sun gives light that strikes the beauty of each students wearing their proper uniforms.

Alyn ask herself if the first day of the  4rth quarter in 3rd year  high school would be well and easy after 2 years of modular learning due to the second existence of Covid-19.

It was a struggle to most learners,since some have noone to ask for help tht would able them to understand what the topic means and aims. As months went,the number of victims caught by covid-19 had started decreasing due to the protocols and awareness of the filipino individuals.

Now,Alyn was back to school,wearing her uniform proudly and formally. Every students still need to wear mask to protect themselves from the virus and should maintain distance,but still some of them could not resist hugging their friends after 2 years of not meeting. As she wind her way towards her new room,she saw her friends talking outside and notice her coming.They hugged her fiercely and





 she saw a boy standing,looking afar, he was tall, with fair skin,straight nose, and with his sideview profile he look breathtaking. Alyn nervously bowed her head while walking towards the entrance door as her heart race from time to time.

She was glad her friends did not ignore her as she entered the room, instead they made warm hugs and checking’s.

As the class started, everyone stay steel,still and listen carefully, it was a kind of joy to Alyn that at last she was able to be back upon when she could talk to her friends and make fun of a day.

All remain steady and recess came,

Alyn had no plan of eating her snacks and since she was accustomed to wearing mask that made her more modest than ever. As she stare through the window,thinking of nothing but of how to deal with challenges in the coming days,

“What if I fail?what if i wouldn’t be able to answer some questions my teachers asks me?what if my modesty would cost me negative grades?”She was never a good one when lots of people are around her,watching her and listening to what she says,these was her weaknesses.

Alyn eventually shake her head as if to shooo the negative thoughts away,and as she look away from the window to look around the room and she found the boy sitting opposite her with his eyes staring innocently in hers.

Alyn’s heart started beating and instantly looked away trying not to smile. There was something about him that you couldn’t understand,there was something magnet about him,especially when he look straight in to your eyes that when Alyn caught him staring at her certainly gives her the effects of being compressed and melted by something hot.

Alyn returned her broom after cleaning the room and started gathering her things. Everyone had their bags ready and started heading outside.
Anya entered the room wearing a warm smile and approached Alyn
“Hey Alyn,you okay?you’ve been acting weird and silent all this time,u have problems?”
“ Anya,thanks for asking but I’m fine,never better”
“Would you mind company?”
“No, I’d be glad having you around”
Anya started gathering her things while Alyn waited, after grathering her things,Anya walked beside Alyn as they headed outside.
“He’s cute,isn’t he?”.Anya suddenly ask
“Who?”. Anya was quit weird asking her without subjects.
“Ram, he changed a lot”
“You like him?”
Anya looked accused while rising her hands as if to promise something.
“No way, why would I?I have someone,I’m just telling you the truth but I have observed Ram,and his like snatching glances from you!I think he likes you!,and he tells me you look different and cute”
“Shssss you’re making a fuss of it,we know everyone in the class have changed,including you”. Heart pounding,did he really said that to Anya?why would he?is this some kind of joke made up to unhide something from me?am i suspecious?does my action tells something different?.
“Don’t be silly Alyn”
As they neared the middle place of the school where all students mostly gather in the morning for the flag ceremony Alyn notice that empty plastics and papers where thrown around the area. Alyn saw a dog sniffing and eating the left out food in a plastic and as he lick and eat to Alyn’s disbelief along with the food the dog eat the plastic without hesitation.
What kind of student would just stuff plastics everywhere and anywhere?do they even have minds?can they see?do they care?aren’t they in the school where right behaviour and respect is a lesson?does they ever care of what happen when the world is junk with garbage?.
“Hey Alyn,you okay?”. Anya interrupted.
“Ohh yes,uhmm Anya?is it okay if you continue on your own?”
Anya looked puzzled but nevertheless approved.
“Okay,whatever you do,bye stay careful”.she walk away without glancing back.
Alyn open her bag and search for her snacks that she hadn’t eaten,she found 5 cupcakes in her bag along with 5 bescuits.
She then pailed the plastics around the cupcakes and give 2 to a dog near her sniffing from a plastic,she give 3 to a bigger one and 2 bescuits to a little one with thin stomach and lastly she give the 3 to a dog with the most poor structure, she approach him and laid the food upon the ground near him and backed away. He notice the food and cutiosly approach it,he was so thin,with severe wounds and Alyn expected him to faint in a step.He look at Alyn catiously, why would he be that aware?is this some kind of a habit?is this because of how people treated him which therefore made him scared that even a person with good intentions should be bowed a head and tail low?.
As she watch the dog sniff and lick the food Alyn felt sorry for him,he doesn’t deserve this, everyone should treat a poor thing equally like those fur puppies which proves,even amongst dogs their is inequality.
She was not yet satisfied, so she started picking all the plastics and paper scattered around the ground and as she bent to pick the last one,another hand appeared and touches the plastic as Alyn did. She look up,their face level with 1 inch distance from each other,she was looking straight in his brown fiery eyes,suddenly Alyn felt hypnotize upon his extreme stare and she back away breaking her touch from the plastic and stared down at the mesmerizing appearance of Sai.
Sai stand with the plastic in his hand and throw it to a near trash can and face Alyn again.
“Woahh you cleared my job!”.He said in admiration.
“Your job?”.Looking perplexed.
“Uhmm it was my job to clean those messes the students made”
“Ohhh I didn’t know about this,sorry”.Disbelief took her.
“No need to say sorry, I was about to say thank you,it nicely saved time and I’ll be able to finish my project early this night”. He was looking at her while talking,like he don’t want to look away.
“Ohh its nothing, It just bothered me to ignore the mess around”
“Youre kind”.He said with calm and gentle voice,Alyn look away felling her cheeks blush.
“Oh nuts, I have to go”. Alyn wonder what Sai was doing a while ago that cause him to miss such time.
“I’m coming with you since I no longer have to clean up the mess this afternoon”.still staring at Alyn.
Sai level beside her,his hand brushing his hair, Alyn felt nervous about Sai walking with her,he was certainly strange.
“You’ve changed,you’re now as quiet as ever,you barely speak”. He said calmly.
“I don’t know,i just wanted peace”
“But you also improved,you responds to every questions a teacher asks”.
“I had to and I wanted to boost my confidence”That’s nice”. Sounded a little satisfied.
As they neared the gate a couple of students gathered in a circle. The one with blond hair look behind her and when she saw Alyn,she smiles and address her to approach her.
Alyn approached Anya and everyone turn their heads to Alyn and Sai,they might have notice them walking together and started whispering to each other with smiles and smirks upon their faces.
“Look here Alyn”.Anya called from the circle of friends.
She was holding a piece of bond paper and as she near for a look she notice it was the grades for the 3rd quarter.
“Here look for yours”. Anya handed the paper to her,she felt nervous,what if she didn’t made it to 90+?the 3rd quarter was quit a struggle since it was modular and noone was able to explain everything to her but she love it since she gotta do it on her own.
She track her and found her name belonged to those who got 90+ and she found Sai’s grades,they were the same!they got 93!
It was a relief to find herself having a good grades.
Sai patted her shoulder
“Good job”. He admired
“Thanks,you too,congratulations”
They smiled at each other.
Alyn announced her accomplishment to her parents and they were very happy to know their daughter made a good job that all the stress had been replace by something acceptable.
After that they were awarded with certificates in the stage and accepting greetings from friends and familys.
20 days past in school,Alyn found herself uncomfortable around her classmates since the day they had started teasing her with Sai that they made both of them the muse and prince of their room.
All of them were making her nervous when Sai is around.Both of them nolonger talk together since everyone would certainly make maliase about it but as the teasing go on Alyn felt something change.She still often caught Sai’s eyes staring at her but it was making her smile,she couldn’t understand what it meant. As days past, she found herself everytime in discussions stealing glances from Sai.everytime her classmates teas her with him she just found herself smiling but everytime her classmates ask her if she had a feelings of affection for Sai she found herself willingly denying though she wasn’t sure what she really felt towards him,anyway he was cute,tall,calm and nice.

I could look at her forever,Sai thought while staring at Alyn.
She was very cute that Sai found himself stealing glances from Alyn.He know that Alyn is a crush of his and Sai was afraid, Alyn would know this.
Denial was the first thing in mind that would help him keep his secret. Everyone was teasing both of them but Sai was careful and if ever Alyn know Sai loves her what would happen?if she know,would she still regard him?what if she will start ignoring him?he was refusing himself from getting near Alyn for both their sake,their classmates might consider it something as a fun and that would arise a conclusion from Alyn that Sai have already fallen in love with her.
She often wore uniforms making her more attractice than ever but with mask, Sai still considered her beautiful. Sai notice some changes about her, 2 years ago she was shorter than now and have brown skin and a bit chubby but now she have fair skin and body.
Alyn was talking with her friends seriously and then her friends laugh and she smile, Sai’s heart beats fast,this kind of effect was one of his weakness. While Alyn continued to smile she look at him and instantly look away making Sai smile.Alyn
“Funny isn’t it?I accidently took sauisauce for a coke!” Anya guffawed along with her friends surrounding them.
“Heyy Alyn, Sai is staring at you again”. Mina whispered
“Oh shut your mouth up dear Mina if you don’t want to see your face in your arse”,Alyn whispered back but Mina was not lying Sai was all along staring at her admiringly.
“Ohh you’re very mean girl, I’ll tell you,that guy have a crush on you,come on have some mind”.Mina hissed back.
“I’m not going to assume any of that”.
Mina rolled her eyes.
“If you say so,but if I’m you, I’m not going to waste time”.
Do Sai really have a crush on her?why would he stare at her often and admiringly?or I she assuming him he do?but what about those days when he refused to be near her?and what about those days when he only talks to her when they’re only surrounded with few friends?is there something wrong with me?I am to be shame of?is he avoiding me because he’s afraid his friends might see us and suspect something secret from us?why would he do that kind of actions?and why would he stare at her admiringly?
Suddenly a rush of giggling and laughter sounded from the crowd of boys as they enter the room.
“Hey Joana, Sai’s got a crush on you”. Zack was elbowing a smiling Sai .
What the?Sai’s having a crush on Joana?is this for real?is this a prank or something for fun?but why is Sai smiling?
Alyn suddenly felt sad and embarrassed
The giggles continued even her friends joined in, the girl Joana they were regarding with Sai was beautiful with white skin,curved body,wise mind, she was perfect and there was no doubt Sai would fall in love with her.
Joana can’t stop herself from blushing and smiling,like she enjoyed being considered with Sai.
Alyn joined in,knowing not why but she avoid looking at Sai. It was weird when you felt sad someone is being shipped to another while joining in the giggles it was also weird when her classmates didn’t regard her, like they were teasing her before with him and they didn’t know how awkward it is for Alyn.
“He said you were very good yesterday,performing the task and almost everything you did in the class”.Zack shouted as everyone giggles including Alyn who don’t know if this was a force smile or not.
After that, Alyn felt weak and wanted to go home,she don’t want to talk to her friends but she don’t want herself like this being a spoiled egg squishing into others flirtery.
She felt extremely puzzled of what she felt when Sai is being shipped with another girl.She just felt uncomfortable and sad but not jealous.It was weird to find herself stock up in a room surrounded by giggling slugs.
She can’t understand what’s happening to herself,she can’t even say if she have a crush on Sai and it was just unacceptable having a crush within the classwhich would only interrupt her attention from a discussion but nontheless Alyn often caught herself checking for Sai if he’s staring at her.
As the end of class fainted, Alyn immediately gather her things and went outside the room not wanting to encounter and walk with her friends.
As she walk in the hall,heading towards the ground, she notice someone picking up the garbage and saw it was Sai.
He was alone but Alyn don’t want to talk to anyone right now,she just felt tired.
She walk quietly,head low and praying Sai would not notice her,but as she neared the middle, Sai suddenly waved at her making her more nervous. She was about to wave back when someone called behind,
“Hey Sai,wanted a hand?”.came Joana from behind looking active and powerful,she did not made any sign of noticing Alyn but she saw Sai staring at her for a moment and then turn to smile at Joana.He was not waving at her but to Joana.
Alyn felt really expose and started running towards the gate.She really cant understand herself
Why did she felt sad after what happen?after 2 months of interferring with him?is it about the stares?and light that he brought when his around?is she assuming?is she expecting something from him?is she over reacting of what’s happening?why does it hurt?that she can’t even said his her crush but she felt sad when she saw him with someone from the class or being shipped with girls from other sections?or is it because of the teasing that made her feelings develop?,She thought.
Alyn was so tired that she curled on her bed and can’t stop herself from spelling tears.
Why am I crying?its just something not to mind.
But why still cry?if he doesn’t even care what I feel?and what i feel towards his existince and pressence. Alyn can’t stop herself from crying though she couldn’t understand what is the main reason of this sudden flood of emotion.
The only thing she could do was to avoid looking at Sai and start focusing to something more on value with her education since no friends of hers would clearly help her with the problem since most of them favored Joana than her,that she found them silent and nodding everytime she made compliments about Sai.
She decided that this would lead her to nothing but emotional break out, and she thought the best thing to do is to ignore him as possible as she can.SAI
Sai felt really miserable of what happened earlier, Joana was beautiful if truth be told but he have no feeling of affection towards her.His friends was making fun of him that he found himself stuck within their words,even Alyn joined in.
What if she thinks he really like Joana?what if he only have low chance of getting attention from Alyn?since that happened,Sai noticed that Alyn had stop looking at him ,whenever he is near,Alyn would distance herself from him. Joana was making herself obvious of wanting Sai but Sai absolutely considered her as a friend,he wasn’t able to say anything of denial since Joana had been a help to him,every questions he asks Joana would certainly answer it willingly and she was mostly favored in the class because of her skills that he found himself scared of the reactions his classmates might reply when he reply denials.
Now that it started,Joana also started flirting with Sai making him uncomfortable than ever but making it easy of asking questions and advice for educational purposes.
The thing that concerned him was Alyn, he didn’t notice her looking at him since what have happen.
Why would she stop regarding me?and how about her joining the giggles and shoutings in the room?she was smiling when Sai and Joan was being shipped together.Why is she ignoring him?is she scared Joana might slap her if she neared me?the thought was making Sai struggle,he cant stop thinking of what Alyn felt when that happened. Before when they were the couple of the room,she was often making eye contact with him but now that another girl was being regard with Sai she nolonger made a continuetion of that.

“Hey Sai,you okay?”. Joana interrupted. She was helping him with his job but she was picking plastics as if a contact of skin and plastic might soiled her internally. Sai didn’t want this, it made him thought Joana only helped him because she wanted to be with Sai. she was the opposite of Alyn who would willingly help him with such thing,one time he spent a couple of minutes looking at Alyn cleaning and feeding the dogs rounding around. He was about to invite Alyn when he saw her walking when Joana unexpectedly appeared behind her and Alyn suddenly disappeard as he look around.
“Oh yeah,uhmm Joana?is it really okay for you if-“. Joana cut him off
Joana blushed looking please as if expecting some gifts from Sai.
“Okay with what?everything is okay with me Sai, you know it,its obvious”.
“I mean you,helping me,i think you had enough, you should go on”
Joana’s face suddenly turn red.
“Ohhh alright,see you tomorrow then”.she went to fitch her bag and waved at Sai who returned it with a simple smile.
Sai decided to ignore Joana for a moment and start regarding Alyn for a while so their classmates might get use to them talking together without any malaise.

As Sai enter their classroom,he found Alyn circled by some girls.
“Alyn, I swear he is so handsome and if i were you i wouldn’t waste time”.Mina was telling her as Sai crossed the room.
“Come on Alyn,he ask you to be his ball queen”.Anya reminded her but Alyn was certainly occupide reading her book.
Sai leave the room for a moment and found his friends playing mobile games outside.
“Hey Sai,feellin good?you look pale”.Zack called
“I’m okay Zack”.As he sit,Zack instantly ask him if he’s going to ask Joana to be his partner for the coming ball party.
“No,I didn’t and I’m not going to”
“Come on boy,you’ve been seen yesterday together,certainly you have already ask her”
“No I hadn’t and I wouldn’t”.He said this seriously making Zack look at him.
“What’s with you?”.He ask suspiciously
“Never mind anyway the girls are talking about a boy,asking Alyn to be his partner for the ball party”.He said innocently
“Oh its Mark,that handsome guy in the next room,he was asking Alyn earlier today but she didn’t answered him yes or okay,instead she said she already got someone for the ball but i doubt it,why?what do you care about who’s her partner-to-be?”.
“Just curious”.Who might this guy?,he barely saw her talking with boys even with his classmates.
“Please shut off you three if you want to live a longer life”.Alyn said gently to Mina,Anya and Mara as they big for her to approve Mark’s requist.
“I told you three,I already got someone”
“Ohhh yeahh?and who is it?why aren’t you telling us?”.ask Anya.
“You’ll found out when the time comes”.
“You’re so headless Alyn,his mother was a teacherand that guy is so rich!”.Mina moan.
“Oh use your mind Mina, i don’t date with someone i dont know and Im not going to cowar myself into someone’s wealth”.
This made them silent, she was reading a book and found herself distracted by their pleas but she was lying about already having a partner for the ball. Mark was the first one to ask her but she was still waiting for someone she know.
“You know girls,let’s just found this out when the ball party comes”.SAI
Sai felt really miserable of what happened earlier, Joana was beautiful if truth be told but he have no feeling of affectionSai felt really miserable of what happened earlier, Joana was beautiful if truth be told but he have no feeling of affection towards her.His friends was making fun of him that he found himself stuck within their words,even Alyn joined in.
What if she thinks he really like Joana?what if he only have low chance of getting attention from Alyn?since that happened,Sai noticed that Alyn had stop looking at him ,whenever he is near,Alyn would distance herself from him. Joana was making herself obvious of wanting Sai but Sai absolutely considered her as a friend,he wasn’t able to say anything of denial since Joana had been a help to him,every questions he asks Joana would certainly answer it willingly and she was mostly favored in the class because of her skills that he found himself scared of the reactions his classmates might reply when he reply denials.
Now that it started,Joana also started flirting with Sai making him uncomfortable than ever but making it easy of asking questions and advice for educational purposes.
The thing that concerned him was Alyn, he didn’t notice her looking at him since what have happen.
Why would she stop regarding me?and how about her joining the giggles and shoutings in the room?she was smiling when Sai and Joan was being shipped together.Why is she ignoring him?is she scared Joana might slap her if she neared me?the thought was making Sai struggle,he cant stop thinking of what Alyn felt when that happened. Before when they were the couple of the room,she was often making eye contact with him but now that another girl was being regard with Sai she nolonger made a continuetion of that.”Hey Sai,you okay?”. Joana interrupted. She was helping him with his job but she was picking plastics as if a contact of skin and plastic might soiled her internally. Sai didn’t want this, it made him thought Joana only helped him because she wanted to be with Sai. she was the opposite of Alyn who would willingly help him with such thing,one time he spent a couple of minutes looking at Alyn cleaning and feeding the dogs rounding around. He was about to invite Alyn when he saw her walking when Joana unexpectedly appeared behind her and Alyn suddenly disappeard as he look around.
“Oh yeah,uhmm Joana?is it really okay for you if-“. Joana cut him off
Joana blushed looking please as if expecting some gifts from Sai.
“Okay with what?everything is okay with me Sai, you know it,its obvious”.
“I mean you,helping me,i think you had enough, you should go on”
Joana’s face suddenly turn red.
“Ohhh alright,see you tomorrow then”.she went to fitch her bag and waved at Sai who returned it with a simple smile.
Sai decided to ignore Joana for a moment and start regarding Alyn for a while so their classmates might get use to them talking together without any malaise.As Sai enter their classroom,he found Alyn circled by some girls.
“Alyn, I swear he is so handsome and if i were you i wouldn’t waste time”.Mina was telling her as Sai crossed the room.
“Come on Alyn,he ask you to be his ball queen”.Anya reminded her but Alyn was certainly occupide reading her book.
Sai leave the room for a moment and found his friends playing mobile games outside.
“Hey Sai,feellin good?you look pale”.Zack called
“I’m okay Zack”.As he sit,Zack instantly ask him if he’s going to ask Joana to be his partner for the coming ball party.
“No,I didn’t and I’m not going to”
“Come on boy,you’ve been seen yesterday together,certainly you have already ask her”
“No I hadn’t and I wouldn’t”.He said this seriously making Zack look at him.
“What’s with you?”.He ask suspiciously
“Never mind anyway the girls are talking about a boy,asking Alyn to be his partner for the ball party”.He said innocently
“Oh its Mark,that handsome guy in the next room,he was asking Alyn earlier today but she didn’t answered him yes or okay,instead she said she already got someone for the ball but i doubt it,why?what do you care about who’s her partner-to-be?”.
“Just curious”.Who might this guy?,he barely saw her talking with boys even with his classmates.
“Please shut off you three if you want to live a longer life”.Alyn said gently to Mina,Anya and Mara as they big for her to approve Mark’s requist.
“I told you three,I already got someone”
“Ohhh yeahh?and who is it?why aren’t you telling us?”.ask Anya.
“You’ll found out when the time comes”.
“You’re so headless Alyn,his mother was a teacherand that guy is so rich!”.Mina moan.
“Oh use your mind Mina, i don’t date with someone i dont know and Im not going to cowar myself into someone’s wealth”.
This made them silent, she was reading a book and found herself distracted by their pleas but she was lying about already having a partner for the ball. Mark was the first one to ask her but she was still waiting for someone she know.
“You know girls,let’s just found this out when the ball party comes”.

mae writer



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