Milyin Title beta

Milyin | 15th March, 2019

    Milyin Creators
    0 Likes | 118 Views | Sep 12, 2024

    The latest iterations to Milyin have been amazing. In the past few months we have seen wonderful design iterations and addition of new features. Some significant ones include Policy Changes, and PWA.


    SO beginning with the most important update is the Progressive Web App. Milyin has released its Web app from iOS and Android. Compatible devices will get prompt for installation. The advanced service worker is also capable of refreshing page when offline. The Progressive Web App shortform PWA, is really fast and is similar to Pinterest PWA, Flipkart PWA and Google Maps Go. We also themed the navigation bar of browsers in Milyin style


    Another major update is Policy Changes. Milyin would be diluting the payment of all Content Creators on April 1st 2019. This is done to streamline and stabilize our processes. This means that all eligible Content Creators will receive the payment but the payment meter would be set to 0 on April 1st. The creations and the views would remain intact.


    The new payment counter would begin again and shall continue as normal. We are sorry for it. But in order to maintain databases it was a necessary change. We also added a action bar. Action bar is a set of quick tasks that the owner of the post sees when the post is visited as a logged in user. The 2 buttons included are Edit Creation and New Creation. The buttons can be seen as icons on the right of screen. Milyin has also seen a new system to moderate comments. Creators can see buttons to delete or replace the text of any comment on there Creation. The system is advanced it insures full privacy. A deleted comment can not be retrieved and no person cam see the comment again.

    Dark Mode

    We have added a button in the Creator box at the bottom of Creations called chat. The chat button directs any logged in user to a chat page to directly chat with the creator. We have made the creation editor responsive, allowing a optimal width of editor in different form factors. Along with this there have been many design and UI iterations to the save and status button. We have added modern styles to the buttons for comments, trackballs and pingbacks. Milyin is introducing new feature called Index. A table of content for all Creations with more than 3 headings would be created and put at top of the posts. The index would automatically detect headings, and the larger headings (Heading 1 is largest) would be nested with smaller headings. Clicking om any heading would take you to that point. Another improvement is with Dark Mode. The dark mode can now be toggled with a button at bottom of all pages as a part of footer other than New Creation, My Creation and Draft Creations. Though the functionality would remain great as always. Cheers. And stay tuned for Easter Eggs for April Fool’s Day.