Milyin Title beta

Milyin | 14th September, 2018

    Milyin Creators
    0 Likes | 80 Views | Sep 12, 2024

    Milyin after many weeks of work is finally figuring out all the security issues, Reported by Saksham Goel Tx also known as @SGTXgaming For managing the things we have reinstalled the wordpress and reworked all our backend to ensure simplification we have changed data base prefix to random numbers for security. We have improved our Policies, added new form for Contact Us that shall make user experience better. We have been working hard to make the working for effecient functioning. We have added many small tweaks to the CSS to follow Google's Material Design. Our creations and Adsense are working optimal. We have seen moderate usage. Our increased activity at Milyin's Twitter and Instagram id @MilyinCreators for both has brough us many followers. We would keep promoting Milyin till the day each person can do whatever he or she loves without worrying of fear. We shall never stop and your faith on us shall never go waste.