Power of Quiet Time

    muriuki gatwiri
    0 Likes | 10 Views | Dec 20, 202476978 | 2906

    QUIET TIME is the time when  you are silent, out of the noises and focused to your maker. A moment of silence with GOD. Here you just don't ask its more of listening but still remain in that mood of prayer. You can also have the quiet time to focus on your life your achievements and failures  and the solutions needed to bring everything to orderQuiet time is uniquely known by its power to
    1.  Give you the opportunity to listen to the will of God in your life.
    2. Allow you have a great view of Gods doing in your life.
    3. Uplift you out of the world to a unique place in the spiritual realm
    4. Bring arousing of your spirit that you gain strength to pray
    5. Increase word meditation and understanding of the word of God.
    6. Draw the spirit whom we were given as our helper.
    7.  Feel strong presence of God surrounding.
    8. Bring healing in heart, mind, and soul.
    9. Outsource new revelations.
    Jesus also did it and this is where He received some of the crucial information like: Disciples selection, open heavens, it is really great to walk in thisHOW TO DO IT.Get to a quiet place, you can start by praying if you are new in doing this but if its a norm its so easy to get deeper, meditate on a certain read word, the goodness of God, the Holy spirit takes control in that you get so deep to communicate with the LordNB quiet moments Value it find time for quiet time everyday.#power#in #quiet# time#