Milyin Title beta

Milyin | 26th August, 2018

    Milyin Creators
    0 Likes | 95 Views | Sep 12, 2024

    Milyin has seen a plenty of changes in past few days. Milyin has got a Alexa ranl of under 5Million, and we dream of reaching under 5 someday.

    We have increased our activity on Instagram by many folds. We have introduced small redesigns. The auto generated thumbnails are now reiterated to have the text take up less space so that people enjoy the picture also.

    We are launching our YouTube channel on 27th August. Along with the channel we would also be introducing the newer logo with it. 

    The logo though is a slight iteration, it brings the 2 hands of ‘M’ closer to each other. The new logo would be rolling out tomorrow. The logo can we seen in the Milyin intro track releasing tomorrow on Youtube.

    The default profile pictures for all the profiles without images has been revamped now they feature a smile in them.

    Milyin has got its Twitter developer application accepted and is now a developer for Twitter.