The primary aspects of health - physical, mental, and emotional need far more attention in modern times full of stress, anxiety, sedentary and inappropriate lifestyles. We have advanced technologically to the point where AI can handle most tasks, yet, at the same time, many aspects of our health are deteriorating. It is exactly where the science of Yoga, which is based on bringing harmony between body and mind, can rescue mankind. Many scientific studies have acknowledged the tremendous benefits of yoga practices on human health. Yoga originated in India some 5000 years back. Sun salutation, also known as Surya Namaskar, is also a part of yogic practices. Sun salutation is mentioned in Veda, specifically Rig Veda and Yajur Veda. Sun salutation benefits are not just backed by science, they were always deeply rooted in the science of Yoga. Let us look at some of the amazing Sun salutation benefits that can do wonders for your overall health.
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What is the Meaning of Sun Salutation?
Sun Salutation, or Surya Namaskar, involves a series of yoga poses that are performed in a sequence to give the necessary stretch and strength to the body.
Performing yoga poses in Sun salutation requires a breathing pattern.
Sun salutation becomes an excellent exercise when breathing and movements are done in a controlled and synchronized manner.
Though Surya Namaskar can be performed at any time of the day, traditionally the best time is to practice it early in the morning.
This is a way to welcome the Sun and energize your body for the entire day.
The 12 poses of Sun salutation are:
· Pranamasana – the Prayer Pose
· Hasta Uttanasana – the Raised Arms Pose for shoulders, back, arms, and hands.
· Ashtanga Namaskar – the Eight-Limbed Pose for arms and spine.
· Bhujangasana – the Cobra Pose for the abdomen muscles.
· Parvatasana – the Mountain Pose for chest and spine.
· Uttanasana – the Standing Forward Fold Pose for relaxing upper body and strong legs.
· Ashwa Sanchalanasana – the Lunge Pose for the upper body and spine.
· Phalakasana – the Plank Pose to keep the body straight.

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Importance of Practicing Sun Salutation Daily
The beauty of Sun salutation is that it can be done by people of all ages.
It is equally beneficial for both men and women.
Sun salutation benefits range from weight loss, and improved flexibility, to enhanced mental clarity.
Surya Namaskar can be performed at various speeds and each has its unique health benefits for health.
· Slow Pace - Sun salutation done at a slow speed helps you become more flexible.
· Medium Pace - A medium-paced Sun salutation helps to tone muscles and increase stamina.
· Fast Pace - Sun salutation done at a fast pace has the benefits of weight loss and is similar to any cardio exercise.
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10 Amazing Sun Salutation Benefits
Sun salutation benefits cover all aspects of human health.
This particular yoga practice has the benefit that it is a combination of 12 yoga poses.
This means just by doing one Sun salutation, you can get the benefits of 12 asanas.
Let us look at some of the breathtaking benefits of Sun Salutation:
1.) Sun Salutation Benefits for Ladies
Women must do Sun salutation regularly because it can be, particularly beneficial, in their health issues.
It helps regulate their menstrual cycle, reduces stress, and enhances overall health.

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Strengthening the abdominal muscles makes the periods less painful for a woman.
It is also good for their digestion system and boosts energy levels.
Surya Namaskar also stimulates the thyroid gland.
Sun salutation can benefit both the mental and physical well-being of a woman.
2.) Sun Salutation Benefits for Hair and Skin
Practicing Sun salutation regularly improves the blood flow to the scalp.
This helps promote the growth of new hair and reduces hair fall.
People having problems with dull hair must practice Surya Namaskar as it makes hair shinier and healthier.
Practicing Sun Salutation at a fast pace can make you sweat which helps flush out toxins from the body.
This ultimately makes your skin healthy and glow and prevents many skin problems.
3.) Sun Salutation Benefits for Weight Loss
When Sun salutation is performed at a faster pace it is similar to any cardio activity.
This makes it effective when it comes to losing weight.
Doing it at a higher speed will help you burn more calories and boost your metabolism.
Practicing Sun salutation regularly or daily will help you get rid of extra fat, especially around your belly, and improve your overall physique and posture.
4.) Improves Heart Health
Surya Namaskar strengthens the heart by improving the blood circulation.
A regular practice will help regulate blood pressure levels, including systolic and diastolic pressures, and improves pulse pressure.

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Poses like Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Dog) and Uttanasana (Forward Bend) promote the blood flow to the heart and throughout the body, reaching to the organs, tissues, and cells. T
This improves heart efficiency, enhances fitness, and improves overall cardiovascular health.
Regular routine of Sun salutation helps maintain steady breathing and healthy heart rate.
5.) Improves Respiratory Functions
If you want to strengthen your lungs, go for a Sun salutation.
Sun salutation is even considered better than walking to improve the strength and capacity of the lungs.
It improves lung health by increasing the lung's capacity for inhalation and exhalation.
Poses such as Chaturanga Dandasana and Bhujangasana strengthen the muscles used for breathing, like those around the chest.
They help open up the chest, making deep breathing easier.
6.) Makes Digestion Better
Various poses of Sun salutation involve regular stretching and compression of the body, including digestive organs.
Regular practice of Surya Namaskar helps stimulate the abdominal muscles and digestive juices.
This can help in getting rid of various digestive issues including constipation and indigestion.
7.) Improves Mental Health
Sun salutation is a combination of physical postures (yoga poses), deep breathing, and mindfulness.

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It is a powerful way of reducing stress and improving mental well-being.
When Surya Namaskar is practiced in a disciplined manner, it gives you a calmer mind, reduces anxiety, and kickstarts your energy levels.
Students are advised to practice Sun salutation regularly as it will help them manage stress and anxiety during their exams.
It also helps improve the quality of sleep and deal with the problem of insomnia.
8.) Makes Mind Sharper
Sun salutation practice can make you sharper by improving your memory and focus.
The concentrated and silent practice of Surya Namaskar makes you more stable and relaxed.
This benefits better stress handling, decision-making, creativity, and confidence.
9.) Sun Salutation Benefits for Men
For men looking to build stamina, muscle strength, and flexibility, Sun salutation can be a great way to start.
The yoga poses of Sun salutation engage various muscle groups making it an excellent full-body exercise.
It can be a natural way to strengthen your core muscles and be flexible with improved stamina at the same time.
10.) Balances Hormones
For people dealing with hormonal issues, Surya Namaskar can be helpful.
It helps balance the hormones by supporting important glands like the pancreas, thyroid, adrenal, and pituitary glands.
This makes it beneficial in managing conditions like obesity, diabetes, thyroid, etc.
Don’ts of Sun Salutation
· Pregnant women must avoid doing Surya Namaskar as it may put pressure on their abdomen and back which can be risky for the mother and fetus.
· Women also must avoid Sun salutation during periods.
· People already dealing with high blood pressure, heart conditions, and back problems must avoid doing Sun salutation.
· People with a hernia, intestinal tuberculosis, fever, inflammation, boils, or rashes, too, must avoid doing Sun salutation.
· If you feel exhausted, short of breath, and dizzy while doing a Sun salutation, then stop doing it immediately.

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Takeaway Message
Surya Namaskar is a fun exercise that is simple yet very powerful with many health benefits for all age groups and gender.
Sun salutation benefits not only your fitness levels but also makes you mentally, emotionally, and spiritually better and more stable.
However, you must always learn the Sun salutation from an expert yoga teacher.
Incorporating Sun salutation into your routine will make a big difference to your well-being as it is a natural, effective, and time-tested way of staying fit and healthy.
Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the writer’s opinions and should not be considered a substitute for an expert’s advice.
Readings & References
· file:///C:/Users/admin/Downloads/article_1669773017.pdf