I hesitated for a second, but the rain was getting heavier, and standing around wasn’t gonna fix my car. So, I yanked the door handle and climbed in. The inside of the truck smelled like old leather and coffee, a weirdly comforting mix.
"Thanks, man," I said, shaking some of the water from my jacket.
"No problem," the guy replied, pulling back onto the road. "Name’s Bill. You?"
"Ethan," I said, still half-watching the road, half-watching him.
Bill nodded. "So, what brings you out here in the middle of nowhere?"
I sighed. "Long story. Let’s just say my car hates me."
Bill chuckled. "Yeah, electric ones are tricky. Had a buddy once who swore by ‘em, but he spent more time charging than driving."
We drove in silence for a bit, the rain hammering the windshield. I had no idea where Bill was taking me, but for now, I was just glad to be out of the storm.