Knowledege is Do you believe it? Those who agree raise hands. That knowledge is The biggest lie in the world is this. First I would like to tell you few lies are eradicated from your mind. And I'm telling with my experience, leaving money is easy people never leave their knowledge. You can give donation of money but if someone tells you the knowledge you have that is crap, leave it. Person denies to leave it. Nothing is great than my knowledge.
A man will give money. Leaving knowledge Knowledge is power. Everybody knows this but also believes in it. Are you with me? Now, Cigarette smoking is injurious to health. Who in this campus doesn't knows this? It's a superficial knowledge. Cigarette smoking is injurious to health. Written in big on every cigarette case. Isn't it? Yes! Have people stopped smoking after knowing this? They're smoking. 2 packs consumed in a day. Rubbing tobacco Saying, Let it come. I want to ask you to give me a very honest answer.
Doesn't he knows its bad? Come on everybody! Drinking is harmful to health, which stupid doesn't knows it. Don't focus on my words. I'm a bit blunt here. Understand the feelings. 30 ml- 60 ml; starts every night. Like a daily passenger. Sometimes, in the name of a friend sometimes because of good business or because of bad business. Or good weather, or a bad weather. A drinker needs excuse. Okay tell me, which organism on this earth who knows that this is bad. Everybody knows. Ladies and gentlemen,
Running in the morning gives good health. Now tell me which stupid doesn't knows this? Is this a hidden knowledge? What do you need to walk in morning? Being rich? Or Adidas shoes? No! A rich can do, a poor can do, a Hindu can do, a Muslim can do, a Sikh can do, a Christian can do. Anybody from any field big, small, black, white Anybody can do! But the question is, does everybody does it? The answer is a no. So lesson number 1 Knowledge is not power. What you know has no impact. Nothing Knowledge
Action = Power. Knowledge is not power. What you know has no impact in your life. I grew up in a middle-class family. I've seen people around me many times saying dialogues. Don't tell me anything, I know everything. Don't tell me anything. I know Son, I have years of experience more than your age. I'll tell you. This uncle has no more than ₹100 in his account. When he puts his ATM card in ATM, it gives -₹50 slip. But in dialogues I've not bleached my hair in the sun. Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls
I've no problem with dialogue deliveries The problem is their dialogues and bank balance doesn't match. And they're not ready to accept this. They don't know the world has changed. A speaker like me came on stage. It was a seminar of thousands of people. He started his speech. And do you know what did he spoke in flow? That Human was earlier a monkey. Humans were monkeys. Few people argued. Are you calling us a monkey? That argument resulted him getting beaten. Two groups started fighting, first agreed that humans were monkeys.
They starting arguing, Fight happened The quarrel destroyed the seminar. Few people left the seminar Few were left Who related that the person is correct. They asked how can you say that and if humans were monkeys then why we still see monkeys? He said those monkeys who denied to change they're still monkeys today. Those monkeys who denied to change they're still monkeys today. and the monkeys who changed are now humans. So the change is necessary. But few so-called people, have tied their knowledge so hard with them
Whatever we know is everything. We're the best. Not in past, present or future. Neither there was a warrior before us and neither there will be. Ladies and gentlemen, I want to remove your illusion here Knowledge is not power. You've learned it 10 years ago, its not relevant in modern time. Every day everything is changing, I'm coming on it. Knowledge is not power, execution of knowledge is power. Everybody knows running in morning improves health. Your health won't improve if you know this but its execution will do.
That you're executing it. World doesn't pay for how much someone knows. World pays for how is he utilizing his knowlege. Knowledge is not power ladies and gentlemen, execution of knowledge is power. Knowledge+ Action It doesn't matter what you know. I'll try to make you understand. Knowing and doing. Both are different things. Let me explain. Knowing and doing. Both are You know and you do Both are different. A pot is kept and a pot with water is kept. You know that watering the pot will
grow plant. You know this but not doing it. The plant won't grow! It will when Knowledge + Action = Power. There's a line written below. Execution on inspiration can become bigger than innovation. This is a very dangerous line, do note it down. Execution on inspiration can become bigger than innovation. It not important that you've done a work first do you'll reach the top first. It's not important that you'll reach the top because you're an initiator. Important is if you're master in execution or not.