Few words of wisdom for new Investors:
1) Understanding the power of compounding early in life is very important.✅
2) It is very important to have independent thinking with integrity.✅
3) One should have their own thought process.✅
4) Make investment decisions based on your own investment research.✅
5) Making money is more enjoyable than actually spending it.✅
6) You don’t need a 180 I.Q. in the stock market, it is fine to have I.Q. of 110-120 but you need the discipline to succeed which 180 I.Q. people may not have. (Warren Buffett)
7) People try to be super smart, time the market & stumble along the way. You should approach it the right way and not try to time the Markets and always consider Markets as the Boss.✅
8) The market values Integrity, Intellectual independence & Patience.✅
9) The market is a graveyard, with tombstones of people who failed.✅
10) The successful people are those who buy good business & keep it for a longer duration.✅
11) It is not a place to get rich quickly – one in a million might do it but the others will fail who try to find the quick way.✅
12) Market is a place to create long term wealth. Legends are told of how successful one has become so soon, but that’s not true. All grind it out for years.✅