Rowland Harriet Offered To Crowdfund $10,000 Out Of Nowhere To Pursue My Dreams—what's Behind The Offer! Milyin

Rowland Harriet Offered To Crowdfund $10,000 For Me- What’s Behind the Offer?! | Ember Rage

    Ember Rage
    1 Likes | 33 Views | Jan 31, 2025


    While I was preparing my next content on January 24, 2025, I received a message notification. Naturally, I paused to take a look, curious about who reached out to me. The message came from someone named Rowland Harriet (@Rowland-Harriet), and his words immediately caught my attention.

    Rowland Harriet's Profile Picture On Milyin
    This is Rowland Harriet's Profile on Milyin as I checked it out!

    At first look, the message seemed kind and supportive. He claimed to be a subscriber of my channel (@EmberRage01) and said he had read my article, "Let People Live In The Old Version of You". He praised my writing, and he says he truly believe I have the potential to make a big impact and then offered to help crowdfund $10,000 for me through a partnership.

    I read his message three times, made myself a cup of coffee, and sat down to analyze his offer. Something didn't feel right, and the more I thought about it, the more suspicious it became.


    Hi writer,

    I hope this message finds you well. I'm a subscriber to your channel, @EmberRage01, and I've read your article "Let People Live In The Old Version of You." Your writing clearly demonstrates your talent, and I truly believe you have the potential to make a big impact. However, I've noticed that you haven't released more content recently, and I'm wondering if it might be due to a lack of resources or fewer opportunities.

    I'm a crowdfunding expert with experience helping individuals raise substantial amounts of money to pursue their dreams. I'd love to propose a partnership where my team and I can help crowdfund $10,000 to support you, in addition to providing you with writing materials and advice from bestselling authors through my Shopify store.

    Would you be open to partnering on this project? I'd love to hear your thoughts!

    He Actual Message From Rowland Harriet To Me
    This is the actual message of Rowland Harriet to me!

    Since I didn’t know the meaning of “crowdfunding,” I decided to search for it to understand what he was offering. He mentioned helping me crowdfund $10,000 through a partnership, but this term was new to me. So, I quickly looked it up, and here’s what I found:

    * Crowdfunding means raising money from a large group of people, usually online, to fund a project, idea, or cause. Instead of getting money from one big investor, you collect small amounts from many individuals who support your goal. Crowdfunding is commonly used for creative projects, business startups, medical expenses, or charitable causes.

    * A crowdfunding expert is someone who claims to have the skills and experience to help others successfully raise money through crowdfunding. They usually guide you on creating an effective campaign, writing persuasive messages, and reaching the right audience to achieve your fundraising goals.


    So meaning, Rowland Harriet will "help crowdfund $10,000 for me through a partnership," it likely means he is offering to help me raise money from other people (like a group or an online audience) to reach the $10,000 goal. This doesn’t mean he is giving me the money directly. Instead, he is proposing to work with me to create a campaign that encourages others to contribute money to support my goals.

    Now that I understood what crowdfunding and a crowdfunding expert meant, I felt more prepared to evaluate Rowland Harriet’s offer carefully.


    1. NO REAL CONNECTION He said he was a subscriber to my channel, but when I checked, his name wasn't there. This made me wonder if he even read my content or just picked something random to mention. How can someone confidently praise me when there's no proof he actually support my work?

    2. UNSOLICITED CONTACT I found it rude and unprofessional that he messaged me directly without any prior interaction. He never liked, commented on, or engaged with my content before. Why would someone who's never supported my work suddenly want to "partner" with me?

    3. HIS PROFILE LOOKED SUSPICIOUS When I checked his profile, It looked brand new, with no established track record or credible proof of his supposed expertise.

    Inner Voice Quotes Milyin

    4. HIDDEN MOTIVES Offering to help crowdfund $10,000 out of the blue made me question what he really wanted. He hadn't shown loyalty or genuine support before, so why this sudden interest? I couldn't help but feel like there was something he wasn't telling me.

    5. TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE Crowdfunding isn't easy. It takes detailed planning and collaboration, yet he made it sound simple and guaranteed. This kind of offer often turns out to be a suspicious, targeting people who are eager for opportunities without fully questioning them.


    Now, I'm left with two choices:

    1. I can reply to his message and pretend to be interested in his offer. This way, I can uncover his real motives and prove whether his intentions are genuine or not.

    2. I can email or contact Milyin Team support, inform them that I received a message from someone out of nowhere, and ask for their opinion on the situation. I'll also seek any suggestions they might have on how to handle it.

    What do you think I should do?

    Read my next content to find out how I handled this message and what I discovered about his true intentions. Stay tuned!

    #EmberRage #EmberRageMilyin #EmberRageContent #RowlandHarriet #Crowdfunding #SuspiciousOffer #Milyin #CrowdfundingOffer #WritingOpportunities #HiddenMotives #UnsolicitedMessage #ContentCreator #PartnershipOffer #SuspiciousSupport #TooGoodToBeTrue #SuspiciousMessage #MilyinSupport #WritingCommunity #EmberRageStory #EmailSupport #TrustYourInstincts #MilyinAdvice