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I often wonder on what are the different ways that could help in enhancing the overall well-being and as I dug deeper, I got introduced to Meditation. This is a very well talked about topic and many people are trying to introduce it gradually to their daily lives so that it can have some degree of positive impact on their well-being.
I am here to share 5 major ways where meditation can improve well-being that stood out for me:
1. Improving the body muscles- If we are struggling with issues such as muscle tension and stiffness, practicing meditation could help to minimize its effect by a greater degree and we can gradually improve on the same.
2. Increase the innovative ability-Meditation can give a boost to our critical thinking skills and enhance our approach towards problem-solving. This can further help us to increase our innovative thinking skills.
3. Immediate coping tool- Meditation can act as an immediate coping tool in case we need instant distraction from a stressful situation. We can practice it whenever we need some break from a challenging situation and this could help in taking a brief pause before restarting our day with a fresh perspective.
4. Boost to liveliness- Since Meditation increases the body’s immunity, this also helps in positively impacting our liveliness and aids us to be more actively engaged in our day-to-day activities.
5. Creation of vision- If our positive engagement is enhanced, we will improve our planning and decision-making skills. By making Meditation a regular practice in our lives, we can create a vision regarding our life goals and can craft small steps for that special roadmap.
There could be various ways in which Meditation could impact our overall well-being. It is a very comprehensive concept and over the years people have been practicing it as per their suitability and comfort. As everyone has different life experiences and schedules, the duration of Meditation also varies as per the same. Meditation is diverse in nature, it has various techniques that can be reviewed as per one’s suitability. We can create a personalized schedule and include Meditation whenever we feel it can help us the best. We can practice it around our life goals and try to reflect on how could this practice help us to get better towards our life goals. We can create a monthly tracker for ourselves where we can pen down our different goals/targets and keep a regular check on how is Meditation helping us in the respective important domains that we have identified for ourselves.
Thank you so much for your time. I will catch up soon and, in the meantime, wishing you a very pleasant day ahead!