Overthinking Gg

Think Over Your Overthinking

    Suryava Sarkar
    1 Likes | 1 Views | Jan 19, 2025

    ‘Overthinking’….. whenever we hear or see this word, we associate it with negative things like anxiety, depression, stress, tension etc. Well, I want to assure you first that I am not justifying that Overthinking is a good thing.

    As an Overthinker myself I can confirm that it is a hell on earth. But unfortunately we can’t get rid of it.

    If you have a mind, thoughts will come and not processing those thoughts will store and eventually cause Overthinking. Because our mind is more of a system than an organ.

    I believe that our mind is more of a data processing system.

    When you think of the mind as a system then Overthinking is a program. And like all programs, it can be controlled.

    So I will discuss how you can use Overthinking to your advantage as I have done in my life.

    That is why the title ‘Superpower’.

    Because using it properly will keep you away from trouble by helping you predict situations and analyze people faster.

    I am sure you have experienced this in your personal life when you got stuck in an uncomfortable situation because you were unable to read the situation beforehand.

    Or got into trouble with a person because you could not anticipate their next move.

    Now what is Overthinking?

    Simply put, Overthinking as the name suggests is thinking too much about something or someone. And the individuals who do a lot of overthinking are called Overthinkers.

    Like to get fit you have to work out, in order to be smart you need to acquire knowledge. Same way to control and then use Overthinking as a Superpower first you need to process your suppressed thoughts.

    Overthinking usually occurs with introverts because we prefer to be alone most of the time than be with other people. When you are alone everything around you is quiet and silent. And in order to fill that silence your mind starts to speak which is Overthinking.

    Repetitive thoughts and stressful events playing over and over in your mind are very annoying. But if you can get through them, as a result, you will have a powerful ally that was previously your enemy.

    As a system, our mind has to continuously work as long as it’s on and sometimes even when it’s off (like we are asleep that is why we dream) it can’t be stopped. But when it does not get any work like when you are alone, it starts to play those old memories that you suppressed.

    So when this is happening rather than blocking those memories you need to go through each of them because without processing old work new work can’t be done.

    And believe me when I say that each of the memories has significance in your life.

    You may not know this because you are afraid to go through them and frankly, it is hard and it will take time going through all those memories and some of them might be very painful for you.

    But after you are done I guarantee you, you will know a little bit more about yourself than you knew before and you will grow as a person even if it is just a little bit.

    In my life, I have witnessed that if something is in my mind continuously and I can’t get rid of it, it is actually something important that my mind is notifying me about.

    We do hundreds of things in a day and think a million things associated with those hundred things. It is natural that our conscious mind won’t be able to remember every one of those million things.

    That is why if we miss anything important that is directly associated with our well being our subconscious mind uses Overthinking to make us remember that important thing that we forgot or skipped. So if you listen to that repetitive thought carefully and take action you will be able to stop Overthinking.

    This is actually one of the reasons that Overthinking is your Superpower, and moreover, it works on its own like Spiderman’s ‘Spidey Sense’, all you have to do is listen to it.

    I have already mentioned the ways throughout this discussion but here I will try to sum them up. If I miss something please let me know…

    your mind will automatically analyze them in the subconscious part if they are good or bad company so you don’t have to use your conscious part to do it, you can use the conscious part to interact with that person properly.

    you will be able to assess every moment at the back of your mind if anything is out of the ordinary or if the person sitting in front of you is feeling comfortable or uncomfortable.

    with your close ones you will be able to predict what they want you to say because your subconscious mind is comparing that person’s current behavior with his/her past behavior.

    like a train station or airport you will be much aware of your surroundings. You will be able to read everything without even trying. And as the saying goes you can never be too careful when outside.

    your daily tasks. Usually, when we have so many things to do at once we tend to forget one or two things. But with Overthinking as your ally you won’t forget the smallest of tasks.

    All these might seem too casual but believe me when you are in these situations, these small things matter a lot. It is like as I said earlier, the Spidey Sense to tell you if something or someone is out of the usual.

    I want to say in the conclusion that we all suffer from Overthinking at various stages of our lives. Some suffer during their adulthoods, some during their teenage years.

    No matter what the time is, it affects us badly. The discussion that I did here is to help all those who are feeling hopeless and stressed.

    You can agree with this discussion or you can completely reject it.

    Recently I have come across a quote that I think very much applies here. Here I have tried to write the quote in my own way……

    “Overthinking will occur whether we like it or not. So we can either feel hopeless about it and let our precious days go by. Or we can use it to make our days better…..now the choice is Yours because I have chosen!”

    Thank you for staying until the end!