A bad thing happened to you today, and later you will thank god that this bad thing happened to you.
I am a living example of the line that I mentioned above.
At first, I thought I might be comforting myself because when something bad happens we can’t fight or control it. That is the reason we call it bad.
But we hate it and our inability to fight with it doesn’t change that fact. So sometimes I feel like I am comforting myself but
Something bad happened to you, you couldn’t fight it. So you lost. But you also learned from it and the damage that it did, helped you upgrade yourself.
So in the future, if something similar happens, which can do more damage to you, you will be prepared and have the ability to fight, and after winning the fight, you will be happy that you had that misfortune in the past.
Which taught you how to fight and defend against these types of incidents.
This is an incident I heard recently. A person missed his bus because he was in the toilet. That bus after going a few miles falls off a bridge and everyone inside dies.
So initially obviously the person was unhappy and disappointed that he missed the bus. But when he and his loved ones heard the news, I guarantee you that they thanked god doing making him miss the bus.
This one is a little superstitious but still counts.
Ever faced any similar incidents like this one?
My life until now has not been a stable one.
Now I know none of ours are but I only know about my life so I am going to talk about it.
Since I was 10 I have faced many hardships which forged the person I am today. For some a good person, and for others a bad one. Well, it’s all about perspective.
Back in the day maybe because I was a little guy, I hated when I had to face hardships. I used to cry silently so that none of my family would know that I was having trouble because that would have meant another lecture. And I used to think about how perfect my fellow classmate’s life was or how happy the neighbor’s kids were.
Now don’t get me wrong that view of mine hasn’t changed even now.
I still the people around me are luckier than me. And still wish I was a billionaire’s son. So I wouldn’t have to bang my hand on the wall to find writing topics for medium to earn some buck.
But now I know I am better than them in the sense that the hardships I faced taught me a lot about life, people and situations. These are the three important components of this real world.
It will be a cakewalk for me to move around but those who had a normal life god forbid if got themselves into trouble they would call out to “mommy”.
Does that mean I do not wish for a normal life?
Of course, I do.
Who doesn’t want a supporting family, a beautiful love interest and some well-intentioned best friends?
But what’s done is done. And it was done for the better.
So nothing that happens in your life is without a cause.
Yeah sure, it’s true, we can’t always see or understand the reason. But that does not mean the result doesn’t exist.
If you can’t see the result then just know if you were in trouble and you got yourself out of it you are the upgraded version of yourself.
So if you are a smartphone that bad thing was your system update. And if you can complete it, your system will be updated.
Now I only took the example of bad things happening and not the good ones. Because none of the good incidents in my life (which are only a few) made a huge difference. All I felt was good and that’s it.
Did any good incident in your life force you to level up?
Thank you for staying until the end!