Podcast Studio

9 podcast to make 2025 the greatest year of your life

    Akshat Hatwal
    2 Likes | 3 Views | Jan 16, 2025

    Why bother with a podcast

    In the last decade YouTube has completely blown up and new platforms such as TikTok and reels have come up all these platform are video based and this has resulted in most people consuming information in the form of videos, but many of these video are half baked, not well researched and some are straight up false and spreading misinformation. This is where podcast come in, podcast are much longer form of content and therefore are more accurate and more often then not there is a credible person on the podcast who have gone through their own fair shares of struggle.

    Listening to podcasts changed my life

    Before I discovered the power of podcasts I was a complete waste man where I would sit on my computer, open my mobile, and keep it propped up on the monitor and watch countless videos which were completely pointless and half of them were complete brain rot. But I soon made this a habit, I was basically watching a video and doing my work at the same time, which resulted in not being able to do either of those properly. After realizing how much time and brain energy I was wasting I tried to quit this habit but I realized that I got too addicted and now I couldn't work without hearing a video playing in the background, this is the point where I discovered podcasts and their life-changing impact. I started listening to podcasts and now 6 months have passed with me following this habit I listen to podcasts almost every day, and have got countless life-changing ideas and thoughts from them.

    Where to listen to podcasts

    You can listen to podcasts anywhere, to be honest it doesn't matter you can listen to them on YouTube or you could listen to them on Spotify. I started listening to podcasts on Spotify too, but after some time I changed my choice of app and now I listen to my podcast on AntennaPod, which is a dedicated podcast app, your choice of platform doesn't matter but having a good platform can provide you with better features like downloading podcast, Subscription, Queue. AntennaPod offers all these for free and hence is my go-to app.

    The list of podcast

    I have listened to over 20 podcasts and out of these I have selected the best 9 which everyone should listen to at least once and have had the biggest impact on me, I would recommend listening to at least one episode of each of these and then decide to continue with it or drop it. It's possible if you don't like my list as this is my opinion and instead after reading this list, I would recommend you create your very own list of podcasts.

    But here are my favorite podcast (note: the podcast are in the order of how much I have listened to them)

    9. Huberman Lab

    I have only recently begun listening to this podcast and I seriously regret not listening to this earlier, this podcast is hosted by Dr. Andrew Huberman who has a Ph.D in neuroscience and professor in the Department of Neurobiology. Basically, he knows what he is talking about, this podcast is mainly focused on health and science and the podcast has a lot of practical tips to apply in your life, the podcast ranges from How to improve your productivity to How to get better sleep. Everything in the podcast is proven by science has yielded results for people and is ranked as the number 1 health and fitness podcast.

    8. Indie Hackers

    The Indie Hackers is a podcast for developers and active programmers, it's hosted by Courtland and Channing Allen, this podcast invites indie hackers who have turned their ideas into profitable online businesses, this is a must for any developer or someone who would like to start their very own business.

    7. Bookworm

    This podcast is for people who are interested in reading books or listening to audiobooks, in this podcast Mike Schmitz and Cory Hixson read a book every two weeks and then discuss ways to apply the author's lesson to their life. The podcast has over 200 episodes. The books they discuss are mainly focused on productivity books, so if you would like to get into books but don't have the time to read, this is the podcast for you.

    6. The Knowledge Project

    The Knowledge project is a podcast similar to Indie hackers, where Shane Parrish invites millionaires world class performers who have completely changed their life some of the people featured here are Ryan Holiday and John Bragg. The advantage of these podcast is that you are basically getting exact steps and a blueprint to start your own business for completely free.

    5. Side Hustle School

    Side hustle school is a podcast hosted by Chris Guillebeau he is the author of the famous book Side Hustle, which is the best book for anyone who would like to start their very own side hustle and earn a few extra bucks. Side hustle school is a podcast where Chris tells us about people who have started their very own successful podcast, many of these are very creative and there are more than 2000 episodes so if you are stuck in trying to pick a side hustle check this podcast out. It might give you a million dollar idea.

    4. Tim Ferriss Show

    Tim Ferriss is a best selling author of the book the 4-Hour Workweek. In this podcast he deconstructs world-class performers from various areas like investing, chess and other sports. There are many tools, tactics and tricks discussed in this podcast. The podcast has over 700 episodes.

    3. Programming Throwdown

    Programming Throwdown is a podcast for developers and people who are interested in coding and programming the podcast is hosted by Patrick and Jason they cover a new programming language and concept in every episode they also talk about the tool of the bi-week, it's a website or app with cool features that have helped them in their work. The podcast is focused on people who are experienced in programming and coding so if you want to get into programming this can be a really good podcast to start with.

    2. My First Million

    This podcast is hosted by Sam and Shaan and as the name suggest this podcast is focused on earning your first million, occasionally they invite millionaires and business owners to talk about their business and how they reached that point, the podcast also includes factors which every business owner needs to be successful in their niche.

    1. Deep Dive with Ali Abdaal

    This is the podcast hosted by Ali Abdaal who is the worlds most followed productivity guru and author of the New York Time book Feel Good Productivity. Ali Abdaal invites productivity expert and other personality and discuss their niche and how they reached the point they are at now. This podcast if my favorite and has given me a lot of inspiration and practical tips to apply in my day.

    That's my list of the best 9 podcasts that everyone must listen to, please do give them a try and if you enjoyed any of these please consider following liking, and sharing this article with others who would be interested in content like this. Check out my other articles if you would like more productivity tips.