We came to believe that bad should not be a part of this world, only good should exist. That is why whenever something bad arises, good erases that bad.
Only good will never be able to exist in the world. If there is only good, the world will force us to find bad in that good.
The best way to describe this is Yin and Yang. Like without night the day will be meaningless. In order to control fire, we need water. Without death, we forget the value of life. Same way in order for good to be noticed, bad needs to be present among us.
Now why do so many people believe that good extinguishes bad?Because good does extinguish bad but does not completely eradicate it, just control it and bring it down to an equal level. So the balance can be restored. The same goes for when too much good exists, but we don’t see it often.
Just think about it this way, gods and demons fighting for millennia — maybe more than that. If the Gods are so powerful then why they weren’t able to annihilate the demon race? Because without demons the concept of God will be meaningless.
As we have seen in countless horror movies, a person gets possessed by a demon. We pray to God and sometimes angels to fight off that demon. We fear going to hell, that is why the value of heaven is so up in our hearts.
When I was a child my grandmother used to tell me we all have an angel and demon inside of us. And we should always choose the angel. But growing up I realized it is not possible. Even if you choose the angel all the time from someone else’s perspective you have chosen the demon.
It is like the saying goes;
You will always be bad in someone else’s book.
So when I compromise every time, choosing good for the sake of others just because I don’t want them to get hurt, they still blame me. So why try?
Choose what comes naturally to YOU! Because others don’t share your conscience. Who knows if the situation flips, they will choose their demon because of their well-being.
We should respect both our good and bad.
Thank you for staying until the end!