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My first and last patient: Isabella Brunner

    shravani sahoo
    4 Likes | 6 Views | Jan 15, 2025

    "Good morning Dr. Chloe " the girl in the reception greeted me as I showed her my Id.

    "I was expecting to have you here any minute. These are the required documents of your patient. At this time she must be in the central park with all other patients. I wish you luck with your first case" saying that she retreated back to her work.

    While going through the lobby I checked the details.

    Name : Isabella Brunner Age : 16 DOB : 7 August 2008 Sex : Female Insight : Grade 3 (awareness that illness is due to some external factor) Name of the examiner before: Dr. George Evans. Reason for administration : Suffering from PTSD.An year ago, she survived a car accident but rest of her family died. Personal and Behavioural information: The girl is lean and tall. In the interview sessions she showed calm and quiet behaiour but sometimes become delusional.

    As I finished reading her file I have almost reached the entrance of central park. There were many patients indeed and then I saw her sitting quietly on a wooden bench. I slipped peacefully and sat beside her.

    "Hello Isabella. I am Dr. Cloe, your new doctor."

    A smile gradually emerged from the corner of her face as she turned her pale face towards me.

    "Hello doctor. Nice to meet you."

    "How you doing?"

    "I am pretty good"

    "Is there anything you want to share with me, Isabelle?"

    "Do you believe in ghosts, Doctor Chloe?" Her expression suddenly changed as she asked this question.

    "No, not really".

    "Why not?"

    "I have not seen one".

    "Oh, I see..."

    There was a minute silence before she continued speaking again " I have always felt gulity to survive alone in that accident but now I am really at peace".

    "It's good to hear that you have moved on, dear. I am really glad to here that".

    "Can I ask you a question, Chloe" she spoke instantly.


    "Have you stopped your drinking habit, Chloe, you are looking much better?''

    Twice she called me by my first name. I hesitatingly said that what she was referrering to.

    She spoke "I always used to wonder how exactly you have survived after crashing your car into us?"

    I was too stunned to speak.

    She carried on "But now seeing you living your life like this somewhat makes me happy".

    The last thing I remembered about that night was that I was really drunk. And as I was taking the turn a car suddenly appeared in my front and my car collided with it. Later I come to know that the whole family had died except one. I went into depression and buried that guilt deep inside my heart. I never read any articles about that later. But now that horrifying past had followed me here. Tears started falling down my eyes.

    And then soon I heard my name been called by the same receptionist girl " Doctor Chloe, what are you doing there?

    As she approached near me I immediately wiped off my tears.

    "I am really sorry doctor, I have given you the wrong files" she apologised immediately.

    "Those files were of a patient who died a month ago, I guess her stress compelled her to take her own life''said the receptionist girl grimly.

    I was completely dumbstruck by this new discovery and was even more surprised to find no one sitting beside me. Isabella was not there anymore.

    My eyes once again filled up with tears. I knew that this guilt was soon going to kill me but atleast I could provide her some peace.