Lisa a slender woman , was in her late forties. One fine morning of April was working in the garden of young Arstiocrat Prince. She was cleaning the garden.
The garden was big as a ten hectare farm land. It was filled with red, orange , yellow , and rusty colored leaves. The trees were worn down and the land turned pale. Air was heavy with bodies and smelled like dried up paint.
The Sun was bright but cold at the same time. Lisa was a sole worker at present. Her slow hands were delicately collecting the leaves. She wipes the sweat from her face , after stocking of leaves. <i>My hands are on fire but much work is still left.</i> She thinks.
She picks up the shovel and starts digging the ground. Thud one stroke , two and three. Her eyes widen and begin to sweat on the fear. " Skull of human " she screams. She throws away the shovel, runs and falls on the ground.
Prince hears the commotion from the window and he rushes outside. Prince the beautiful, gentle yet cunning son of rich parents.
" What happened Lisa " he asks.
" There " , said Lisa as she loses her words and points to the skull.
" OMG" exclaims Prince
" who did this " asks Prince.
" I don't know my lord."
" Well," he raises his eyebrows , " You are the garden head, so you must know Lisa."
" My good sir , I was on the leave for a month. " Lisa lowers her gaze, " I am sorry I don't know anything."
Prince pulls out his phone from the pocket and informs the cop. He stares at the Lisa , " Don't leave and inform the cop everything. "
Lisa nods gently.
The cops arrive in black and white car. They enter the garden. The cops began their investigation in the garden , while a police officer questions Lisa and Prince.
" Who are you , haven't seen you around? " asks Prince in soft tone.
" I am Diamond , I am new recruit as senior officer in Kant station. " says Diamond.
" What happened here ? "
" I was working in the garden and discovered a skull. " said Lisa.
" How did you discovered it ?"
" I was digging a hole to bury the leaves "
" Does any one have a ciggerate? " asks Diamond.
" Mr Diamond , I have quite exquisite one " replies Prince. He takes out a pack from his almond colored shirt pocket.
Mr Diamond takes few , he keeps them in the pocket. He takes another one and lights it up. He takes a puff and release it on Lisas beautiful black curly hair.
" So you don't know anything misses ?" ask Diamond.
" It's miss Lisa , sir and yes I don't know anything else. "
" How come you didn't know and where are others "?
" I was on the leave sir . Today I have returned and others are on leave as well for the festival."
Diamond eyebrows curl down.
Prince clears his throat and , " After two days , we have our prideful festival. The sunflower festival. "
Mr Rut comes from behind. He is second in rank from Diamonds rank. He is lanky , young and cheerful one.
Rut says, " Sir searched the whole area , but found only skull. "
Diamond turns around in awe, " Is it a prank Rut ? "
" No sir ".
" Search again and dig the whole area ".
" Excuse me" said Prince , his nose swells up , No you can't dig up the garden of heaven. "
Diamond doesn't turn , " we have contacted your father and he said to do what's to be done "
Diamond smokes last puff and releases it at the dark somber sky.
Diamond throws the second ciggerate bud on the marble floor. Rut comes with a report. His shirt is sweaty and he speaks , " Sir there are multiple skulls but no bodies. "
Diamond smirks , " the situation got bizzare than rat killing the tiger. "
Rut face turned straight.
" And " Asks Diamond.
" The skull belongs to infants and teens. "
Diamond turns pale , " send them to forensic Asap"
Diamond moves towards the sitting Prince and Lisa was standing beside Prince.
" I shall take my leave and hope it doesn't blow up. "
" Try your best officer. " says Prince with worry tone.
Lisa gently smile with dried eyes.
Prince kicks the door with a smirk. " Is something on your mind sir ?" , Asks Lisa. " No nothing Lisa, Prepare me a tea and a breakfast."
The evening broadcast blew up the country shaking the world.
Mayor Taison was watching the news.
'Today, many children skulls are discovered in the VIP area of the Kant. This incident shaked the world, senting terrors into common souls. '
Phone rings , Mr Taison picks it up.
" Hello , State head sir. ", said Taison.
" Say nothing, just listen. The situation is bleak , just put someone behind bars and try to cover up for the time being."
Taison hmms.
" Use connection to track the mole of the area and deport him outside. Act fast, elections are coming. " Phone cuts.
Taison calls, phone is picked , " Hello commissioner, make sure that today's news is buried deep Asap. "
" We are working on it , sir."
" One week time limit you have. Failure brings nightmares to life."
" Understood sir. Preparation on the way. "
Diamond on the call , " Yes sir , everything will be taken care of, within 5 days. understood sir, everything. " Phone hungs up. Diamond takes a puff , adjusts his shades. " Lisa is really beautiful," he thinks. Diamond in his late thirties , recently going after divorce phase.
Diamond phones someone, " Hello Cab , find the source of the rucus. Payment is hefty and time is a limit. "
Diamond in a meeting with Rut in his cabin. He says , " Have you got anything from the CCTV image? " and sips black tea.
" Null , but on 15 of last month something happened? " said Rut.
" What happened? "
" There was a power cut for about 3 hours that day and CCTV where our for a whole day. "
" Why CCTV where our ? and what about drone images ? "
" Drone are prohibited in this area. "
" So you have any word of mouth, or something useful."
" Hmm, not right now but I have a new brand of ciggerate. "
Diamond looks at him and his hand moves forward.
Rut hands him the packet , " Forensic report will be available by today."
Ruts subordinate Miss Rit was looking on the table. Going through the images , She looks something with interest. " Rut here , I found something".
Rut coming from Diamond office , looks around for the voice. He finds Rit.
" What happened Rit ? "
" Look there are ambiguity in the pictures of 16 and 17 last month. "
" What ambiguity? "
" There are continuous missing images of two days from last month."
" How and where does it lead to ? "
" Look in the image of group photo of women. "
Rut stares at the image.
" Look there is same group but few persons are missing and there are no solo photos of some group person. "
" Where is the photograph from ? "
" The Blue Lilly park and some from front of the Newtown staute. "
" The location is near to the targeted house and there is no security there. "
Mr Silver the superior of Rit walks outside. Walking outside he was looking at the sky. The girl on the bicycle was coming from the front. She honks for full two times and half third time. Silver doesn't look and they both collide. Both fell down on the ground, and parcel fell from the pockets.
Silver , gets up , " Are you blind ? " , " You should be careful".
" But , I honked sir ", said girl with braces.
" So , you can move from side. "
" But I thought "
" Engough , " raises , his tone , " Pick up your parcel and leave ".
Girl nods and pick up the parcel and leave. Silver picks his parcel , and walks away while murmuring.
Silver looks in the packet and smells the money.