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College diaries: Class chat group and cancelled classes.

    1 Likes | 1 Views | 19 hours ago

    Has it ever happened to you that you travelled all the way to college, travelling 1 or more hours, and then you realised there's a notification on WhatsApp, especially the class group chat? The message was from the class representative, and it read, “Practical classes are cancelled for Group X.”.

    And to your surprise, out of many groups present, it was your group, and now you don't know how to process and react to the situation. Like, be happy that finally your luck decided to bless you or curse it to happen to be lucky that day when you especially travelled all the way to attend that particular class and solely for the attendance, and it had to be cancelled.

    Sometimes it used to be even worse. When you are all the way and halfway to the college and home as well. And you just left the metro station and read the notification. You don't know what to do, like just go for a single one-hour theory class or go back home. The rage that used to build along with the growing dilemma, there was literally no tool to measure these emotions. At the end it was just a waste of time and money.

    #Milyin #Creation #Travel #College #Experience #CancelledClass