So guys in this article we are going to share a routine with you and tell you about habits that will make brainpower stronger if you do daily only for 10 minutes. You will stop procrastinating and be productive, and most importantly feel in shape both mentally and physically. If you absolutely want to follow all of them together, that's fine, but it isn't a must. Just read this guide till the end, and implement the habit you think suits you the best.
Drink a Glass of Water
Tell us in the comments below which habit you’re going to do each day for 10 minutes.
So let's begin. First: Drink a glass of water. Did you know that the brain is about 70% water, dear friends? Drinking enough water per day or drinking enough water in the morning after waking is useful for our brain and body. If we keep sleeping for 7-8 hours without drinking water, our brain moves into a state of mild dehydration. Research had also shown that we are dehydrated by the time we wake up, causing our brain cells to shrink which is one of the reasons we experience headaches and fatigue. That being said, drink one or two glasses (one at a time) of water on waking in the morning. This increases metabolism and aids in eliminating toxins from the body. (Optional: You can add lemon to the water. But do sip this water slowly and peacefully. A bonus tip: take a copper vessel, fill it with water overnight and drink it in the morning on an empty stomach. This has a lot of advantages, but only do this if it makes sense for you. Rather, just have one or two glasses of water early in morning.
2.Make Your Bed
Make your bed. Admiral William H. McRaven said in his commencement address that if you want to change the world, start off by making you bed. It is thought that starting the day off right with a nicely made bed gives you a sense of completion and accomplishment for completing the first task of your life. This encourages you to get other things done during the day. There are psychological reasons for this habit, and even the military follows it.
3.Read Something Inspiring
Read something inspirational. Morning reading for motivation and inspiration,You can read for 10 minutes instead of an hour. Read inspirational stories or articles of successful people for instance. A suggestion that might help is a Dr. Robert Schuller Book titled "Bottle of Strangers' Drivers" that is full of short inspiring stories.
4.Breathing Exercises
Breathing exercises. A sense of calm, increased focus, decreased stress and anxiety, and increased energy from 10 minutes of deep breathing exercises done in the morning. It is good for both mind and body.
Stretching. Stretching for a few minutes can help prevent injuries, relax muscles, prevent muscle soreness and improve blood circulation. Morning stretch helps you to feel flexible and energetic throughout the day.
6.Get Sunlight
Get sunlight. Sunshine is good for humans — it cheers us up, helps build Vitamin D, and produces lots of "happy hormone" serotonin. 10 minutes of sunlight can boost thinking skills and mood stabilization.
7.Take a Cold Shower
A cold shower. If it’s not too cold, taking a cold shower in the morning can wake you up, clear your mind, and help you get your energy levels inflated. Cold showers help increase the number of white blood cells, which help the body fight against diseases.
8.Plan Your Day
Plan your day. You want to spend 10 minutes every morning to plan your day. Listing things down on paper helps you write everything that you have to do and it is a good way to not forget anything. It also provides a sense of satisfaction by checking off completed tasks.
9.Reflect on Your Life
Consider your life. Spend 10 minutes reflecting on your life, your goals, and your performance. This aids both clarity and self-awareness. Making it a point to reflect on a daily basis will keep you going on your goals and serve as a motivator.
If you want us to write about some particular topic or problem please make a comment.Thank you for reading!
