There is a Japanese belief that we humans have three faces. The world sees the first face. Our family and close friends see the second face. And then there is the third face that no one sees. The third face is the true representation of our character.
In the present time, the concept of faces has evolved. You see a person and that person is just a typical one. But one day you start talking to that same person on social media and you see a side of them, that is open-minded, empathetic and wise.
When we interact with people face to face (Offline) we have to keep in mind a lot of societal norms. Those who don’t abide my these norms kind of get banished by society. And we need people to survive.
But now thanks to social media we have a place to truly express ourselves. The third face that I mentioned above we can openly show that face on social media. Because no one knows us, so there is no fear that someone will judge us.
That is why most of the time you will see changes in a person’s behavior or character when you talk to them online compared to talking to them in offline mode.
Now the question occurs
The true reflection of a person’s character. Because both of the faces are yours. And you pour some of the qualities into both faces.
I can say that I am a mixture of both.
The offline face reflects my quiet, composed and judgemental side. And the online face reflects my raw, unfiltered and emotional side.
Let me know about yours in the comment section!
Thank you for staying until the end!