Destination Gg

Destination Is More Important Than The Journey

    Suryava Sarkar
    9 Likes | 5 Views | Jan 9, 2025

    Without the destination how will you start your journey?

    Destination can be anything for anyone.

    For you, it may be your dream or goal or something that your family envisioned for you. That you want to achieve and make them proud. Or you simply want to achieve it for yourself.

    For me, destination is my sole purpose, to have enough money to move freely as I want, live wherever I want, and be with whomever I want. This can also be called an objective of mine that I have to achieve.

    Since I set that objective all I have been doing is in favor of that objective. So the things that I have been doing can also be called parts of my journey. Then having money will be my destination.

    Sure I have learned a few things in my journey and improved myself. But the destination is still far away. And I have to get there.

    So how do I keep going at it every day?

    Because of the hope that one day I will reach my destination. Hope to reach the destination is the fuel that is keeping me on the go. Without a destination I wouldn’t have started the journey and hence wouldn’t have grown.

    What about you?

    Would you continue your journey without the hope of reaching the destination?

    Rather I should ask would you even start your journey without a set destination in mind?

    My growth, my lessons, my experiences, the whole journey, all of it started because of that destination.

    I don’t think I can continue with the idea that journey is helping me grow so I should keep on going with my journey regardless if I reach the destination or not.

    What is worse is if I haven’t had a destination in my mind, the whole concept of a journey wouldn’t even come into existence for me.

    Now you might argue that if you just reach your destination without the journey you won’t grow!

    Which is TRUE.

    But what if after completing my journey I miss or fail to reach the destination?

    What will happen then?

    I will lose confidence in myself.

    And how am I supposed to start my next journey without confidence in myself?

    Then all the lessons that I learned from my previous journey will be worthless because I won’t have the courage to start the next one.

    And it is wrong to believe that we only have one destination in our entire life. We can have many destinations depending on personal circumstances.

    We always need hope and incentives to keep on going. Destination works as both the hope and the incentive. The happy feeling that I will reach my destination and then it will all be good is the reason we are not sitting at home but in the middle of our journeys.

    Destination is the core of the whole process. Like the Sun is for the solar system.

    Thank you for staying until the end!