You came like a whisper soft and fleeting
Words so gentle, promises misleading
I built a world around your voice
Yet in your silence I had no choice
You spoke of peace, a mind so light
But left me heavy in the darkest night
Your bro code shield , yours words unkind
A love so shallow, a heart confined
You asked your friends how to let me go
While I held on not wanting to show
The tears, the ache, the sleepless pain
A storm of emotions i can't contain
You called it's not working I called it test
You moved ahead I gave my best
I told myself I would be okay
But your shadow lingers everyday
You texted on New year's, a fleeting glance
But to me it felt like another chance
A chance to heal , or may be pretend!
But this chapter is one I must end
May life one day mirror your ways
And show you the hurt in love's cruel maze
For now i let go , though it cuts too deep
Hoping someday my heart finds its peace
So go take your light, your perfect calm
I will heal this wound on my own balm
For though it hurts, i know it's true
I deserve a love far better than you!!!