Have you made new year resolution?
Exercise daily
Wake up at 4am daily
Eat healthy food
Have you?
Then, in celebration of new year, you sleep late at night to wish everyone, wake up late in the morning.
Oh no!
Resolution break, it's okay I will exercise daily but already wake up around 11am.Now no time left for exercise.
It's okay, will eat healthy food but see leftover cake in the fridge. Then why should waste food, let's have it, then follow the resolution.
This process continue in 2023,2024 & in 2025 also. We will make resolution but did not act upon them.
What's happening is :- we are good at making plan and it is easy to make plan but when it's time to execute it, we give up or delay the work.
First step is to plan properly :- basic rule of making plan is " It should be realistic and achievable goal". Don't make whole year plan in a day. Every single day is different. Set small target for a day.
Second step is to act upon it. Now we have planned but just delaying it for tomorrow then week then month then a year. Works of december is still pending for January like in the January , some magic will happen and automatically every task done effortlessly. Start acting on yourself and goals. Others will not do it for you.
Just start and do it
Last step is say NO :- say no is one which who test your potential and attitude towards your goals.
SO, say NO to junk food say NO to distraction. Rest days is normal like exercise 5 day a week then rest for 2 days is normal but it should exceed to 1 month and same with junk food, twice a month eat junk food is normal.
Everyone make resolution but become one who act upon it
Thank you for reading
Stay blessed ☘️
#motivation #goals #achieve #nevergiveup #resolution #newyear #doit #start #plan #hardwork #efforts