Motherhood is Divine and Boundless

    gayathri myla
    0 Likes | 2 Views | Dec 26, 2024

    Being a mother is divine feeling and boon to every woman. The moment I came to know that a life is growing with in me, I felt ecstatic. Along with joy and happiness, there is a sense of responsibility for wellbeing of child.Every month seems to be exciting as well as anxious.

    Finally, the little bundle of joy has entered into the world and the moment is most awaited, memorable and precious. I have become mother and new phase has started in my life.Each and every milestone the baby achieves is most awaited and cherished moment.

    I have preoccupied myself in observing my kid and feel nostalgic. It has been already nine months the kiddo has entered in our lives and I feel like my life is content and I wanted to do best in upbringing, inculcating good family values, provide good Education, teach him to be grounded, intelligent, successful, sensible person and develop in his life in such a way that he would become a gem of person and along with that to be always happy, cheerful and become successful in both personal and professional life.

    Motherhood awakens a sense of responsibility within woman.