Me For Me

Me for me or me for You?

    2 Likes | 5 Views | Dec 26, 2024

    Me for me🎀 or me for You?😔

    Me when they say they like me

    The me for me or the me that suits you

    My flaw-stricken self or the girl you choose to see

    All my sides or your perfect viewpoint

    The unapologetic me or the twisted stereotypic girl tailored to your fantasy

    Is it?

    My flaws, my shrewdness, my inconsistency, insistence, and persistence

    My quirks, weirds, words-nuances, fluency or the movement of my lips?

    Me when they say they like me

    With the dot at the tint of my lips?

    The smear at the crease of my brow?

    With the scars adjacent to my belly button?

    The widening gap between my toes?

    The unconventional bulging eyes, erupting forehead, feathery lips, and rectangular body shape

    The cracked skin, gap teeth, furry body, and irregular stretch marks??

    Me when they say they like me

    The me for me or the idea of me

    The heartwarming idea of having a cheerleader always cheering you

    Or the melodious idea of having someone dance to your tune

    The rosy idea of coming back home to the arms of a woman

    Or the too good to be true idea of having your person

    The beautiful idea of being in the presence of one who matches your vibe

    or the comely idea of waking up to a pretty face

    Me when they say they like me

    Is it the hurt in my voice

    The pain in my eyes

    The insecurity in my stomach that bellows over my head

    The wounds in my heart

    The incessant tears in my eyes

    The burdens I carry

    The weights I hoard

    The wars in my head

    The battles I’m fighting

    The memories inscribed on my brain

    The unfamiliar dress sense, social awkwardness, or the baggage I bring to the table?!?

    Me when they say they like me

    My awe-standing beauty

    My subtle vulnerability

    My charm, my wit, my prowess

    My unsheltered confidence

    My willing maturity

    The grace in me that defines class

    My intelligence and virtue

    The pitch in my laugh

    the dimple in my smile

    The caress in my speech

    My sense of humour

    The sway of my hips

    The swing of my dainty legs

    My supple body

    Or my scent of femininity

    Me when they say they like me

    Beyond the bad days,

    Beyond the impulsive actions

    Beyond the angry words

    Beyond my impossible self,

    Beyond the mood swings

    Beyond the arguments,

    Beyond the small fights,

    Beyond my annoyingness,

    Beyond the whispers, incontinences

    Beyond the rumors

    Beyond the lies

    Beyond the façade

    Beyond my status in society

    Beyond the past,

    Beyond the unknown

    Beyond the unseen

    Beyond the paradox of me

    With you, it’s just us.❤

    La mesure de l’amour, c’est d’aimer sans mesure _Saint Augustin


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