Announcement: New Milyin Monetization Framework for Creators

    Milyin Creators
    7 Likes | 39 Views | Dec 25, 2024

    For the past 4 months, ever since Milyin switched to a Coin-based Earning model, we have been improving/updating our monetization policy every month. The goal is to maximise revenue for Creators, without us incurring financial losses.

    For the same we are removing cost for Likes/Dislikes. Our team is also adding incentives for number of followers, and more. Let's discuss.

    Last month was pretty harsh on us, with our team making almost 85% losses on Creator Earnings. This month has been much better, but we plan to strike a perfect balance.

    We believe that these changes would go on for a while. As our services evolve and costs fluctuate things will keep changing. Our team understands that a lot of Creators might not be fully aware of the latest happenings at Milyin. As a result here is everything changed this month, and upcoming changes.

    New Advertisers

    For the last 2 months, ad delivery was largely compromised due to excessive fake clicks by some Creators.

    We have addressed it by bringing new advertisers in, and also optimizing/improving the methods used for fake click detection. Some of the new advertisers include:

    • Flipkart
    • Myntra
    • ClickBank
    • Amazon India
    • Amazon US
    • Dynamic Ads

    This has helped us massively improve the ad delivery and increase revenue for the Creators.

    Moving on to the NEW changes coming up at Milyin:

    Likes, Dislikes, and Comments

    The cost of Likes/Dislikes was a controversial move, but we reckon it really helped us in the long run in reducing spam. Our effectiveness has increased massively.

    But, we understand that the audience still needs to engage. So, we are removing the costs for Likes

    Starting 1st of January the Earnings would be as follows:

    • Likes: Earn 1 Coin Per Like (Self Likes not counted)
    • Dislikes: Lose 1 Coin Per Dislike (Self Dislikes not counted)
    • Comments: Earn 1 Coin Per Comment (Self Comments not counted)


    We will be introducing Coin rewards for followers as well. Based on the new system, you would earn Coins for reaching follower Milestones as well.

    • 10 Coins for 100 Followers
    • 25 Coins for 200 Followers
    • 100 Coins for 500 Followers
    • 250 Coins for 1000 Followers
    • 1000 Coins for 2500 Followers
    • 2000 Coins for 5000 Followers
    • 5000 Coins for 10000 Followers
    • ... and more

    Onboarding Checklist Completion

    On home page, you might have noticed an Onboarding Checklist stating various tasks to complete on your Account. Completing that Checklist would reward you with 250 Coins as a Creator.

    This is done to motivate Creators to better setup their accounts and interact with the platform in appropriate manner.

    That's about it for this month.

    Our team will be active in comment section, so if you have any doubts, questions, or concerns, feel free to reach us there. We would also be looking for recommendations for the next month's changes.