Video games are wonderful channels to enjoy and spend quality time in leisure time. Technically designed and premium scripted games with diverse genres and platforms allure to all age groups of people. Attractive part of video games is enhancement of mental prowess, augmenting logical analysis, and thought process. Still tough video games and excessive involvement may profoundly impact on mental health of players.
Video game addicts may exhibit a range of emotional responses which may intimidate their persona such as they may develop low self-esteem, attention problems, impulsivity, belligerence, nervousness, and hopelessness. Excessive participation in video games may lead to Internet gaming disorder that substantially weakens the mental power of the player. Gaming burnout gives rise to emotional, physical and mental exhaustion. Such conditions trigger heightened stress.
When players are continually involved in playing video games, they may get irritated when they cannot win. Frustration and anger are exaggerated by challenging levels of games or competitive multiplayer methods. Additionally, constant gaming may isolate players from the physical environment. They live remote and separate from friends and family. Such a lifestyle may develop sad feelings or depression. When players are trapped in games and can not find a solution to chase the characters or path to success, they are emotionally distraught and show heightened reactions such as throwing things or breaking items and crying.
It has been observed that players addicted to internet gaming reveal atypical emotional regulation. If people achieve success in video games, it enhances self-confidence, pleasure, problem-solving skills, satisfaction and excitement. On the contrary, repeated failure and constant gaming may have dangerous emotional upshots. Severe caveat of unnecessary video gaming is the emotional withdrawal. Mood disturbance is also experienced by people addicted to video games.
Bottom line:
Video games are a significant part of people in technically advanced environments which shape their life into new directions and help to grow mentally. Players who are deeply immersed in the gamut of video games and unable to chase goals may display negative emotions that derail their personality like frustration, aggressiveness, stress and depression.
Important note: Above article is based on the writer's analysis with environmental inputs. Topic explanation and examples are expressions of the writer and any resemblance is coincidence. Writer is not responsible for any disagreement.