Interwoven threads
travel across land.
Does the universe have
a plan?
The future we cannot foretell
we hold one end of the thread in faith.
Then we wait.
Sentinels on patrol.
Border control says, " No Entry".
It hurts to remain in one place for
so long.
Hearts grow weary as the
mind says, "Let go".
Has the interwoven thread
become caught in a fishing net
lost at sea?
Our hands bleed from holding
on too long.
Yet, still, we hope someone
will find the end of the thread, and they
do when we least expect.
Interwoven threads are now joined by
a needle.
Nothing in life is impossible.
Alter your thought patterns, the rest
The tapestry of your life is yours to sew.
Make sure there are no loose ends.
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