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Food and Mood: Relation of food with violence, depression, anxiety, fear etc.

    2 Likes | 10 Views | Dec 17, 2024
    Food And Your Mood

    There is a very popular saying which all of us must have heard somewhere in our life and it says, “Jaisa Ann, waisa Man”. It means our mental condition is dependent on the kind of food we consume. The same applies vice versa also as our mind attracts us towards the food as per it’s state.

    As per the yogic studies, food is not just another element but a source of vital energy. If our food is fresh, it’ll provide us fresh energy whereas stale food makes us dull. Similarly if the food involves violence, it leads to violent nature of the mind whereas food with less violence (explained below) brings peace of mind and calmness.

    According to the elements of nature, there are three sorts of mind. One is the dull mind, which covers the luminosity of the soul. Then comes that which makes people active, and lastly, that which makes them calm and peaceful.

    Persons born with the tendency to sleep all the time will be attracted towards rotting food. It is a natural tendency with them. Then comes active people whose taste is for hot and pungent food, for e.g. strong alcohol. Sattvika people are very thoughtful, quiet, and patient. They take food in small quantities, and never anything bad.

    We do not know how to vary our diet as a human being. We always forget that it is the food out of which we manufacture everything we have. So the amount and kind of energy that we want, the food must determine.

    Let’s say you take plant based diet only, it still involves some sort of violence as plants too have life. But it is imperative that you have to involve in some sort of violence in order to survive from the day you are born. Even breathing kills millions of bacteria but being born was never a choice. Choosing compassion over taste buds is!!

    Further, it has been scientifically proven that plants lack pain receptors due to which they don’t feel pain. This nowhere means that we start exploiting plants. We should use the resources only to such extent without which survival becomes impractical. And as a human being, exploiting animals was never a necessity for survival. At least, not for the civilized human society!!

    Had there been units to measure the violence, violence involved in plant-based diet would be much lesser as compared to animal based diets.

    Just imagine the amount of fear and pain involved in bringing a piece of meat or dairy to your table. What will be the nature of energy it’ll bring with it — fear, pain, depression, anxiety. Won’t it? Increasing violence, depression, anxiety, hatred etc. are prime examples of this.

    A mind which is violent towards an animal will be violent towards a woman as well. It will be violent towards the entire world. This is why number of rapes, murders, eve-teasing, inequality etc. are continuously increasing despite of the significant efforts being made.

    You can’t hate one living being and love the another. Now, some people will say that they have seen partially kind (to specific species only such as human beings, cats, dogs etc.) non-vegetarians as well. They must have but subject to two conditions. First, they are not directly associated with the violence involved in their food as they are getting the food packed/cooked. Second, they are violent to themselves as they are continuously fighting with the voices in their heads. They are being used by others again and again but feel helpless from inside. They are facing the same amount of fear, anxiety and depression constantly from inside as their food but can’t do anything about it. In other words, they too are affected by the negative energy caused by their food choice but the victims of those are they themselves.

    One of the biggest violence against oneself is either not accepting its own plight or not fighting against it despite of being capable of. It is rotting from inside, drown till neck in the depression but won’t be able to accept this fact/fight against it.

    To conclude, I would request you be a little conscious about your choices. I would talk about impacts of livestock farming in my next story. Till then, I’m signing off with the below paragraph:

    You would have never seen a vegan die due to lack of protein, though, billions of animals die every year due to lack of compassion. As human beings, we don’t lack protein. We lack compassion!!