A cool breeze outside, pulling the curtains away such that rats of sunshine peeped and illuminated my face. The climate was cold and my body involuntary shivered.
I pulled the blankets tighter but the time was up. Morning was there again to trouble.
Memories are last night flashed just enough to dampen my mood. Laughter in the background, longing to be included in the gossip to which I wasn't invited .
The feeling of hurt, loneliness clouding my senses.
When asked why, they replied that they are scared of me and thus cannot share.
I never thought advising your friend against going out with someone who sells drugs, and depends on alcohol like it's their life can make you bad, can make them scared of you.
I should have just shut my mouth, I remind myself for the hundredth time.
But my conscience won't allow it. I am good friend and I just can't stand by.
But it's her life, her decision.
The struggles within, I feel like common give me a solid.
My phone dings, it was a message from my colleague asking me to hurry up, saying our chief is present and not in a good mood.
Crap what a beautiful start.
