He didn’t study

    Adnan Shafi
    0 Likes | 4 Views | Dec 10, 2024

    A woman's cleanliness is visible in a man's clothes.
    A man's manhood is evident in a woman's dress.
    And in the dress of girls, the mother's morals are visible.
    We are a generation of love, tolerance, loyalty, respect and all high values.
    We lived among men and women who didn't know how to read and write, but had mastered relationships and respect.
    He did not read literature۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔ but taught us literature.
    He did not study the laws and biology of nature, but he taught us the art of decency.
    He did not read a single book on relationships but taught good manners and respect.
    He did not study religion in depth but taught us the meaning of faith.