Brown And Beige Vintage Classic Illustration Paper Project History Presentation

MUMMIES -The Hidden Story

    0 Likes | 6 Views | Dec 11, 2024

    MUMMIES- The Hidden Story

    Have you ever came across the word "Mummies"? The word mummies comes from day of yore period which are very mysterious and enchanting. These mummies are people who lived thousand of years ago, their bodies are well preserved that we can still see them today.

    What is a mummy ?

    Natural mummies are both person or animals that have been created since the #beginning of time on Earth. If a #mortal #soul perish and slow down the process from further decaying a #natural mummy is formed. In other word a mummy is a dead person or animals whose body is preserved from decomposing, intentionally or accidentally is called a mummy.

    The story behind mummification

    Ancient Egyptians believed in an afterlife when someone died. They were experts at making mummies and they did it for spiritual reasons and religious beliefs. But to reach the afterlife your body needed to be preserved for a prolong time. The Egyptians followed a particular procedure which is known as mummification. Sometimes, they assume that the spirit and character left the body at the time of the death but could be coax back by painting a rosy picture of relaxation of the body. They #believed that the reunion led to eternal life in the netherworld. Moreover, they put down amulets, charms and even animals were often mummified alongside with their owner to protect the mummy on its journey to the spirit world.

    Mummification process

    Mummification takes place when the #process of decay is interrupted or interfered due to climatic reasons that halt the bacteria and fungi to grow causing further decomposition. The intentional process of persevering a dead body is called embalming. This can be done by extreme cold or heat, dryness, permanent freezing which result in #mummification.

    Steps for mummification process

    At first, they removed all the internal organs like lungs, stomach, liver and intestines were separately placed in to a jars. Preserving of these organs was important as they allowed the dead person to breath and eat in afterlife. The heart, center of all emotions was usually untouched and left behind while the brain is often thrown out. The body was then ready to dry by using a special kind of salt called natron which act as drying agent and absorb all the moisture from the dead body. Once the body is completely dry, they wrapped it in few layers of linen cloth like bandages and some coating. Finally, the body of the #mummy was put down inside a coffin or sarcophagus with illustrate portraits and hieroglyph to guide the person's #spirit on its #journey to the other side.


    Mummies always have grab the attention of the people for centuries getting together elements of history culture, religious beliefs and #mythology. Mummies are like time time travelers offering glimpse from the past. By examining these mummies #archaeologist can find out what they ate and how they lived.In addition, mummies are open window providing a brief look at the unique ancient civilizations that has shaped human #history allowing us to understand their beliefs, practices and day to day lives. The #discovery of #mummies narrate a story about the #ancient #Egypt.