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Better Financial Planning 1

    sarungi speaks
    0 Likes | 2 Views | Dec 18, 2024

    Let us start from the basics. We may start our earnings at any age. Even before a concrete salary or freelance income, we might have started earning somewhere in our lives. These may be either by tuition or any other part-time income during our school or college phases. Pocket money will have its way to end, so there is not much need to worry about. Let us dive straight into our solid income plans.

    The plan of this financial learning series is simply to introduce the not so well financially planned readers to start it from somewhere. So let's start with item number 1.

    The very basic need of every individual now a days is a Health Insurance.

    It is a must, not only because of the increasing hospitalization expenses but, because of destabilizing our whole financial planning. The 'catch you young' principle also works well here. The premium will be much less when you take a policy when you are really young. Everyone in the family should be covered under a health insurance. If that is too difficult, at least the earning members should definitely be covered by one.

    Why is it necessary?

    Once such an assurance is there we can sleep easily without the worry of hospital bills. A single accident or cardiac issue is capable of destabilizing the base of an average middle class family now a days.

    Once you are covered under a policy we will have better access to treatment facilities in hospitals and we can opt for first class treatments.

    Even pre and post hospitalization charges are covered by majority of insurance companies.

    We don't need to spend our hard earned money, that is supposed to be for other expenses for medical emergencies.

    Whatever things you need to have a health insurance? Whichever policies are worth ?How much amount should i take?

    There are umpteen number of websites, you tube channels and health advisors are out there to help. Please study well and plan well before we take any new steps.