I am science teacher in government school. My friend Gita recently got married recently. After two years of marriage she is #blessed with daughter Minni.
I said " please be bold my friend ,now you will face the hard truth of life after #marriage which is correlated with hard ships of married life after having kid."
Gita said"madam my husband is gentelman , but he refuse to change his style of living after marriage. Therefore I have done lot of changes in my style of living. After Minni is born, I am mom first and #wife later in sense I feel that as mother my responsibility towards my child is sometimes more than my responsibility towards my #husband."
I said "I do realise like most husbands, Gita your husband is comfortable in rolling around as he was before marriage. He is happy being father but does not think that it is his #duty to help you in raising child."
Gita said "madam I feel my relationship with my husband after having kid is not #intense to that level what I had before having a kid. I feel that my husband feels neglected after arrival on Minni."I said Gita"That is the brutal truth of life, after marriage sometimes husband feels #neglected."
Gita further said"madam after marriage and kid, I have ended up doing the lion’s share of the work. I am doing most of parenting, most of the planning and #scheduling of family life. I am planing most of the housework, shopping, the cooking etc."
I said "dear Gita I do realise you feel disrespected, unappreciated, let down, and therefore you always have resentful feelings."
I further said"Gita please be bold and face it. You are working #mom and you have to do most of the work at home, as this is tradition in Indian #families. "H
Gita had very wise sister in- law Sita. She visited brother- bhabhi house with her mother Radha.Sita said"dear brother and bhabhi please do not try to make your #post-kid marriage dynamics equal to pre-kid marriage life #dynamics."
She further said"The trick is to create a new marriage dynamics, which should be full of love, #appreciation, respect, for each other, within the post-kid dynamics of life."
Gita's Mother in law Radha said "Please realise son! your child Minni is tender soul, who requires lot #patience , and the non-stop hard work of living within a family system without a lot of help from outside."
Gita's mother in- law further said "'Please do realise there is nothing like having a little #blissful family of your own. Please do not mind if you have to put lot of hard work, and do not hesitate to be in constant communication with each other. Please do share your feelings, and try to make your #spouse happy. Finally, do not let your spouse upset. So keep it up. Enjoy the life .Best is to learn how to mend your life as and when required. "
Gita is so much thank ful to her sister in law who gave wisdom, to her(Gita) and her husband about how to lead blissful family dynamics after having kid.
Sukarma Thareja
Alumnus IITK