I started writing at the age of 5.
Just like any other urban school going kid would do. I didn't think there is a big deal in that.
At least not until someone once pointed out that I was a natural writer. Aren't we all natural writers? At least the ones that are not Bots or Ai Assistants.
But here's what I realised after being a natural writer for almost 4 decades now, and a trained writer for last couple of years. It is not just what you write, where you write or how you write that makes you a natural writer. It is about how well the reader connects with what you write that makes you a natural writer.
As far as I am concerned, I would rather be known as an unusual writer than a natural writer.
An unusual writer who can blend Human intellect with Artificial intelligence and reap scribes that can transform the mindsets of many a natural writers.