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Deleting social media altogether affects your life? (Survey)

    Final Will
    6 Likes | 17 Views | Dec 26, 2024731898 | 27685

    People 1

    I tried to stop using all social media apps a while ago and all it resulted in was me losing connection with most of my old friends. 🙃Re-using it with moderation now. I have been able to re-connect with some of my past classmates and found new ones through communities I joined (which I am only aware of thanks to social media).

    People 2....

    So for me (late 20s) I got off social media for like 7-8 years and it does not matter at all. I see my friends in person or call them to be up to date with their lives. I'm still part of several social circles,still hanging out etc. The only possibility I'm missing is that old school mates, old friends or people I knew in life at some point can't reach out to me directly but personally ,for me, that's a good thing.So either its "you're in my bubble of 50-150 ppl or you're not". I choose who's active in my life and over the years I've learned you're not missing out without Social media, that one friends vacation can ne a blast but: either he's telling you at some point or he's not due to missing chances. it's not affecting your life at all and nobody's having the expectations that every friend needs to know everything about everyone's life. At least I'm my bubble

    People 3....

    I've noticed that once I

    Gave up social media, I wasn't as depressed anymore