This is it! This is ME….

    Shilpa Karra
    6 Likes | 14 Views | Nov 29, 2024

    Never did I imagine that I would be sitting on a couch smelling a freshly painted door (not the usual cup of coffee) waiting for it to dry up and writing on a platform like this.

    A platform I wish to explore more.

    Curious, Creative, Consistent, Certain, and Candid.

    That's me in a nut Chell.

    After being in the corporate grind for over a decade, I decided to quit my long standing HR job to pursue my passion for writing. Didn't know back then that it wasn't going to be easy. After all, starting from 'Zero' is not something we do every day. As I was figuring out my passion for writing, I realised I had developed an innate interest for everything Data which eventually graduated to Ai too.

    My writing pursuits dragged me towards creating content. And I started rolling out bite sized actionable workouts to transform a mundane career into a fulfilling one. I don't call myself a Career Workout Specialist for fun. I have even ventured out with the first of my E books on Career Workouts co-authored by Gemini (Google - who could have imagined that now). Working on the rest of the series of E Books to see them published, read and put in practice.

    But that isn't the most interesting thing about me as yet. I am a serial binge watcher who loves to watch shows and movies in different languages right from Malayalam movies to Finnish Web shows. And it all began there. My quest to learn languages. I am currently learning 6 languages with this fun learning green owl - Duolingo. Spanish, Finnish, French, Korean, Swahili, and German.

    Would love to add Russian, Italian and Japanese to the list too sometime.