There was a lovely singing bird.When it sang, pearls fell from its beak. One day, a fowlers and pearls sight. "I must catch this rare bird," he thought. He laid a trap and caught the bird. He then took it home and caged it. Very soon, thanks to the pearls, the fowler became rich.
"I'll gift the bird to the king," the fowler thought. When the king received the bird, he was so thrilled that he made the fowler a nobleman in his court.
"I must gift the bird to my queen," the king thought. But the kind queen was against slavery.
"Such a precious and beautiful bird must never be caged," the queen said and released the bird, which flew away singing, "I was a fool to enter the fowler's net. He was the second fool to gift me to the king. The king was the third fool to give me away to the queen. Fools have pearls but only the queen has a heart of gold!