That stranger old man took Balu to his village. The sight of the village was terrifying Balu to his inside . There were blood all over the ground. There small houses were scattered over the ground. Everything was burning. This is spine chilling sight for Balu. He got devasted after seeing the sight. He desparately searched for his parents. It was a heartbreaking scene how he couldn't find his parents body as the soldiers took their heads only bodies were lying on ground.
After searching for sometime he found his parents bodies. He gave burial to all his village members. And cried a lot on that night. For a 15 yr kid these things were too much. All this things were witnessed by that stranger man . He was with him from beginning but didn't say a word to console him or anything or neither gave him a hand in their burial. His thought was to make Balu strong . Because he lost everyone now he should feel that he is alone and it's his decision what he wants to do. If he gave him a hand he might start depending on him.
After crying whole day , the next day that Stanger woke him up saying enough crying.... What would u do now? Do you know who did these things to yr village? Who is responsible for this? . Balu haven't thought abt it that much . He wondered who is behind all this . He was puzzled and asked that stranger in a angry face , eyes filled with rage ... "Who did this !? If you know the answer please say".
The stranger liked that look and answered" I know who did this but what will u do after u know? Do u think u can do anything? "
The stranger was surprised by Balus answer... He said" I know I can't do anything to them now as they were capable Enough to destroy my village. I am very weak now but won't be this weak forever. I will take revenge no matter what. "
The stranger got happy with his answer and said" the slow revenge is the sweetest thing ever" .
Then he started introducing himself.... He said my name is "..... be continued