That’s ‘Brain Rot’ guys!

    Aadarsh Kanojiya
    0 Likes | 3 Views | Nov 14, 2024

    Ever feel like your brain's turned to mush? Can't focus, memory's slipping, and decision-making skills are missing in action?

    That's "Brain Rot" guys!

    What is Brain Rot?

    • It's not a medical condition (thank goodness!), but rather mental fatigue triggered by-

    - Overthinking

    - Multitasking

    - Lack of sleep

    - Stress

    - Social media overload

    Toxic relationships

    Toxic People Alert!

    Time to unfollow, unfriend, and unsubscribe from those who-

    - Make you feel worthless Question your self-worth

    - Drain your energy

    - Leave you feeling unfulfilled

    Declutter the Mess!

    Turn off notifications, mute negativity, and use that "Not Interested" button.

    • Remember, you don't need

    - Constant criticism

    - Unrealistic comparisons

    - Drama or gossip

    Feed Your Brain Goodness!

    Prioritize self-care, set boundaries (and learn to say NO), practice mindfulness, take breaks, and relearn focus.

    Don't let Brain Rot hijack your productivity! Prioritize mental health and reclaim your sparkle!

    Share your Brain Rot survival tips in the comments