I need to get something off my chest. Lately, I've noticed a trend that's left me feeling disappointed. People who shower me with compliments under my posts, but secretly envy my achievements.
They're quick to ask about my struggles to feel validated, but vanish when I celebrate milestones.
These 'fake girl's girl' types talk the talk, but don't walk the walk. They justify their actions while criticizing others.
Infact on everywhere, I've seen...
People justifying their own posts while pulling others down Pretending to be professionals, but spreading negativity Questioning others' professionalism for sharing personal experiences
But aren't we all human!? Before being a CA student, I'm a person with multiple interests. I love talking about topics that interests me be it visual or performing arts, my journey on LinkedIn, texts and scriptures. And I'll share about them because...
What's a hobby to me can be a profession to others. Who are we to dictate what's professional or not?
Mocking me for sharing my passions? That's not okay. Being a CA student doesn't mean my life revolves around college, school, exams, and articleship only. I'm human, not a robot!
Real women...
Support each other
Lift each other up
Don't dump insecurities on others
Have you encountered fake 'girl's girl' syndrome? Let's call it out and promote authenticity!