Domii Chumba
    0 Likes | 1 Views | Nov 11, 2024



    PART 1....2

    It was the area of ​​Tegeta in Dar es Salaam, a female Chizi was seen in a bad building in which there was a lot of grass and people were acting like a dump in the golf course. that, if it is mid morning, the female goat suddenly woke up from sleep, like someone who was startled by putting cold water in his ears, he had to get up from the place where he was sleeping. smiling, his mind told him that the snake has come to wake him up because he feels that this world is not his world because he sees himself as completely different from other people and that the snake may have been sent from their world, so he kept laughing very happily that day but God the snake grew big he could not attack the sister, he slowly passed and disappeared outside, the female cheese had to get up from where she was sitting, and really see the sister when she got up. even though she is wearing dirty clothes and her face is full of dust and soot, but it did not hide her beauty, even if she has forgotten that sister, if only she had become a sane person, then we would have seen her in various magazines here in Tanzania and outside of Tanzania.

    So I found out that the cheese is not hungry or thirsty, that is, maybe he doesn't know. As I feel here, I should eat, but the master and they feel hungry and they know. As I feel here, I should eat. where he wipes everything he sees in order to put it in his mouth, surprisingly he was saying to himself "this world of these people is very surprising to me that they give us good and clean food and then they eat bad and dirty food and that is why every day they are sick and suffering from various diseases, I wish they would imitate me What I do, they wouldn't have trouble in their lives" he was saying that after he arrived at one Jalala and found the bread that had been cooked had been thrown away but he was the one who took it and started eating it. If we go back to our world after the cheese has been spoken, we see a middle-aged young man between the ages of 28-30 in court listening to the court's decisions regarding the case he went to open about the property and companies left by his parent about who will marry because his stepmother claimed to be late those properties he bequeathed to his children, Brother Akimu spoke in conclusion from the completed evidence "The court has decided from today the manager and legal owner of these Mari will be Brother Robat Daniel who is the young man who went to open the case, then things went like that even though the stepmother he was angry to see that Robat looked at him with a bad eye. After leaving the court, Robat got into his car with a very beautiful daughter beside him, they were holding hands with a big smile on their faces, while they were in the car Robat was saying "Rose, my love, I will definitely not be able to forget you for what you did for me, I feel that without you I would not have won this victory, I thank you for fighting for me, I will always love you" the young man continued to pour out his heart as they headed towards the areas of the caravans, they arrived at a big house. He honked his car's horn and the gate opened without a doubt, this is the place where Robat lives. But if we go back to the stepmother, when she left the court, she went straight to her healer, who she relies on a lot. Very angry because of the desire to fight for wealth, then the healer answered "Mama Fred here, every time I look there is a daughter who is giving violence to her and she is hindering our affairs." 

    Returning to the female Chizi when it is night time



    PART 2

    We ended up in the middle of the night when the female goat was seen still roaming the streets alone while a heavy silence prevailed.
    Now when he was moving forward while talking to himself, suddenly in the distance he saw Tatu's men slowly walking towards the frames of the shops that were in the area, they were holding swords, one of them was holding a device to open a lock with a canister of gas for melting metal or the locks that were difficult to open, now the female Chizi, after seeing the thieves, was saying to herself "why don't I see those creatures every day because they give us good food and then I go to pick them, they are not good people, they want to take my food that is given to us" right there he got an idea and started picking stones and he started to walk and then he went to hide in one of the huts in the area, then he said "the creatures of this world cannot defeat me first of all they are weak" after saying that he started throwing stones at the thieves while he was hiding, now the thieves were shocked they started chasing each other and left the area. Immediately the female Chizi appeared and then she started laughing again loudly in her heart and said "I really believe that there are no creatures as weak as this world now what made them run away now. Now lie down here and if they come again I will beat them" then that is the life of that Chizi woman who feels she is lost in their world and comes to this world, she also sees herself.

    Returning to young Robat that night, when he was sleeping with his girlfriend, he started dreaming and found himself in a hospital while he was wearing shorts in the back, his hips were visible, his flannel was torn, his hair was tangled, his face was full of dust, without a doubt he was crazy, then when he was in that dump he started to pick up rotten food and started to collect it while saying in his heart "Today my partner will be very happy if I send him this food and here I can't eat without him, wait, I have to hurry" you know that the cheeses are the ones who lead the way in talking from the heart that is all the time if you see him calm like this you know when he is talking to himself and his heart which is his soul, and often his soul is what drives him, then while he continued to pick the food, suddenly people came and grabbed his hands tightly, then he woke up from sleep and screamed loudly until his lover woke up, "what happened to you, Robat?" why are you shouting" the beautiful woman had to ask after seeing Robat panting while sweat was pouring out of him "so why does this dream come back to me frequently what does it mean?" Robat had to ask his girlfriend "hey, did you dream again that you have become a big cheese" but it is a dream that he dreams frequently and gives him a very difficult time, "if you know you will take me to a star and dream fortune teller so that he can explain the meaning of this dream". If we go back to the girl, if it is early in the morning, she was sleeping in the Frems in the street, she started to wake up by being beaten with a stick by the shopkeepers, "you crazy, let's get rid of the morning sickness in the morning again, he sent you to come here and tell him to fail" a mother was seen talking to Jazba while chasing the Chizi by beating him mercilessly, the poor Chizi started running but when he got a little further he stopped and felt like his soul was telling him "Listen don't be weak you are the hero you chased those people back to where they will give you food now" then he had to agree with his soul he came back to the same place and then he stood there wishing he could explain to him that he was the hero who chased away those who wanted to take food but he couldn't find a way to say, "Ivi you crazy today you woke up with me eeh until I pour hot water on you it will stop.

    Returning to Robat's place, he and his girlfriend arrived at the dream interpreter before they started talking. Robat's phone rang and he had to go out to talk and leave his girlfriend with the dream interpreter, "my father, this soothsayer brother, when he comes to tell you about his dream, please tell him it's normal It doesn't make any sense" he was begging the father, giving him a bundle of money and giving it to him as a bribe.