Secret Love  Sections 11 and 12

    Domii Chumba
    0 Likes | 1 Views | Nov 11, 2024

    Secret Love
     Sections 11 and 12

     I stood up and said, "Father, I don't know you, brother. Please, I already told you that I don't love you and don't expect that there will be a day when I will change my position. I don't want you, because you don't understand me. I just want to leave. I stood up and started to leave. He took my hand and I threw it away and I left."  lecturers like these, why is this so annoying to me😩😩 I don't want the giant just clinging to me, I got very angry and left and went to stay there, that day Mary also didn't come to college

     I sat down and started listening to my songs on the earphones...I saw a young man in front of me, I took a picture of where I saw him and I remembered that he was the one who had asked me about Kelvin, he was Razak....he came to laugh at himself, I'm serious or not laughing....oooh The emotions of the day  many 😊😊....they are just beautiful for you....aaah, I'm so cool....good tell me....
     "Aah, first of all, I'm sorry for everything, beautiful, I'm sorry for that day, but I just had to do it for my family Kelvin... I'm sorry, my family loves you very much, don't come to hurt him".  but I prevented Razak from seeing and I didn't want to tell him that we are not right now....
     "It's ok Razak, I already forgave you, don't worry"
     "Ok all the best Aisee, I wish one day to attend your wedding, you have a lot of chemistry and you get along very well, congratulations"
     Aiii, that is, when he said we are compatible, he gave me a kiss, I missed my Kelvin a lot, I was more than encouraged, he is always mine
     "Ooh thank you Razak I really appreciate it"
     He left and I stayed there just smiling as if I hadn't been left like this 😇😇
     The days went by and the seasons changed,, Kelvin started attending sessions as usual but every time we looked at each other we were like There is still love between us but no one started to tell the other that he needed him....the date for the test came....we did very well and  I didn't see the difficulty that Karia was saying, it was just simple, and Mary found a boyfriend, hehehe, my gay man fell in love with me and I went with him every time he went with his brother-in-law....

     One day he told me to go out, his master said we should go somewhere and enjoy.... me again because I was on strike and I was single wherever Mary was and I was just there as a tail 🤣🤣
     The one Gallis kept bothering me, it got to the point where he led me on, I refused to let him see, but until today I have not really given up hope, the searcher does not respond....
     We went to a really bad place, my brother-in-law doesn't have any meat, we ate really Yan is a really strong that gentleman, my brother-in-law and I, had his friend, didn't he start teasing me?  let me rest now, let me accept who I am, let me go....after all, I am an adult now, and where is the love of an adult and where do I love young people like Kelvin 
     We stayed until late at night, I had to go home, I took a ride and went back to our house, I got home and the door was opened by my sister from work, my sister had already returned to her place and our sister who helps us at work had also returned....she opened the door for me and I went through one by one in my room everyone was sleeping  ....

     I woke up the next day feeling very tired... I wasn't at all well, I didn't even feel like going to college, I just slept for a long time, my mother cooked me nutritious porridge to give me strength, that day Gallis was calling me a lot, but I didn't receive or answer his sms...  I drank the porridge and felt a little stronger. I think it's just the weather changing, that's why I wasn't cool, I continued to stay in the room, I was called by my sister that I had a guest, I was surprised, where did the guest come from??....she said there are two sebleni,,  , I woke up and went to check on the strangers who were calling me....heee I was surprised to see Gallis and another sister called Rukuresia is a member of a group of young people in the what is their problem, I asked myself but I didn't get an answer.....
     What is the arrival of Gallis at their Hamisa home???

     It will continue.....

     Section 12

     I was just surprised, I didn't know what was going on there....they greeted me and then Rukuresia said I'm sorry dear but Gallis asked me very much to bring him to you, that's why you see us here....I hated it except my mother and she didn't hate the church members anymore and they were prepared with food....  I said ooh soon....Gallis told me ""Sorry Hamisa, I know I came without notice but I called a lot and you didn't answer and I felt maybe there is a problem and as I finished work early I thought I should come and see you""
     "Oooh ok soon....I put my phone on charge since morning that's why then it's silent....I just lied to him""
     ""Okay we're glad to see you""
     ""I am also very interested in art 😊😊""

     My mother invited them to eat at the dining room....we all got together and went to get food....we had a lot of good conversations and then what I found out is that Gallis is just a cool person, cheerful and a very religious person....I found myself just used to him, there were many stories  we laughed a lot and sang different prevailed inside later in the evening towards 1 o'clock in the night they asked to leave we escorted them and then I returned home....

     As the days went by, I found myself getting used to Gallis, I was even answering his phone calls on time, the other hour I myself started calling him to make sure things are changing, I never expected that there would be a day when I would be so close to Gallis, a man I used to consider very cool and he is  of religion, I didn't like him 🤣 but I don't know why I'm starting to call him aaah yieee things have changed 😁😁

     The time to do the exams came, when we finish the colleges are friendship with Gallis was very bad even though I never accepted his request....despite that Kelvin still never left my heart.....
     We did the exams safely and then we closed the college.....Mary traveled and I stayed at home but I didn't see any problem because I was already familiar with my friend Gallis and shared my other things with him and he gives me good everything seemed fine to me

     Gallis was very persuasive for me to participate in the prayer, and I saw no reason to refuse, besides, we are closed at college, going to the prayer is not a big deal, I agreed and I did so....Gallis was very happy to listen to him, he showed me more love, close to art.....  within a week of that in the church we were told that we have to go to the camp and attend a big gospel meeting that will be held in Mwanza....Gallis asked me not to miss the camp and I thought it was fine even if I stay here, what's more, just let me go....

     I informed my mother and father about the camp trip in Mwanza, my mother asked where they were going and I told all the young mothers but also mothers if they want to go....they agreed to go to the camp, I was very happy, I had never been there but I didn't care because I will go  and other people....Gallis called me one night when the next day is the trip, he asked me if everything is ok,,,I said everything is ok Boss😇
     He laughed and asked why I called him boss... I said I just called you and he won't know why😇😇
     Oooh, ok, okay, get ready for the trip tomorrow, mom... okay, don't worry,,,,,

     Finally, the day of the trip arrived....we met at the church, we all rented a bus, we didn't go to the stand....we got there, we greeted each other, then everyone got into the car and the trip started....I went to sit in the window seat and I was just waiting for Gallis to come and sit with  I....he came to stay with someone else, I was hurt 😔😔 mi I wanted to stay with Gallis I wonder if the trip will be very long without this boy by my side looh....we went to Morogoro and we were just chatting, he promised me  we stopped to dig for medicine, he will make a plan to stay with me....I said he'd rather just 🙈🙈....
     We stopped to dig for medicine in Dodoma, just like Gallis promised me, I went to stay where he was staying right now, the trip was short because I wasn't bored anymore....I was being told stories like all of them

     We arrived at the beginning of the night.... the beauty is that we rented a hotel, it's not like tents😆😆,,, girls sleep with girls and boys and boys, there is no trust between them.  I went out immediately and said goodbye to him then I went to bed.... How should I say goodbye to this guy now😆😆.... I went out and stood at the door and waved at him and went back inside aaaiii.... there were four girls inside now.... One of them started talking  Aiseee Gallis is a man, that is, he cares a lot, I have talked to him for a long time and he has said that God has shown him what his wife is like, aaah, tomorrow I have to give him a yes answer if it is to examine him, that is enough..... Hmmm, the heart beat was racing, so Gallis, did he marry this one or is that what it meant?  on the bus he was looking at my will it be now and I'm slowly starting to sink in for this boy😒😒,,,,,
     Mamaaa, how do you advise Hamisa there???!!!

     To be continued......