Secret love  💓Section 9

    Domii Chumba
    0 Likes | 1 Views | Nov 11, 2024

    Secret love 

     Section 9

     I lay there on the bed. I was very sad for Mary. Why is Kelvin doing this to me? It means that he really doesn't want to talk to me, because this is very bad for me.... Mary started caressing me. I was crying because I can't believe it's the same Kelvin.  There is something wrong with him, don't give up easily, so give him time, I believe you will find time to talk and put everything right, don't cry....I woke up and said, "But where is Mary?"  What time and where are you? Why am I so worried about this!!!....Nooo come on sweet, because tomorrow we are not going to college, we will only see him and if we don't see him we will do anything possible to find him, don't be sad, be okay, why are you crying like that, no, stop.  ...Mary set me straight and I found myself understanding her....

     We won from them, we cooked, ate and told a lot of stories... later in the evening Mary took me out a little then I led the way to our house... I went and arrived home and cleaned my clothes properly and then cooked dinner and set the dining room... for us  we were very late eating at 3 or 4 o'clock, people were looking for food...then we sat in one place and ate dinner,,,after that I went to the washroom to take a shower and then I went to bed and fell asleep...I was sleepless so I took the phone and started playing a game  It was around 8 o'clock when I started to feel sleepy... I put the phone away and went to sleep

     I woke up at about two o'clock the next day, that day I planned to wear very nice clothes so that even if Kelvin sees me, he will see that this is a tool to let it get lost is a mistake😅😅🙈 I really got it, I really broke the closet and took my clothes out from under the boxes.... I started the journey  to go to college, my father used to take me often in his car, that day he also took me to college and went to his work... I arrived and started walking slowly, people were looking at me like an Ethiopian bride, how beautiful I was😍😍 me now  I'm increasing my pooz like this, I'm walking with care, my goal is that even if I see Kelvin in those places, he'll be really happy... but strangely enough, I didn't see him until I got to a very far distance... or today he's not coming to college now that I'm so happy, who is it for 😒😒

     I looked for Mary and I didn't see her. I called her and she said she was getting off the bus and she was getting in. Well, when I sat there waiting for her, it didn't take long for her to arrive...hehehe, the first thing she started praising me was how beautiful I was.  🫰There's only one person I've broken the closet for. I really can't wait for him🤭🤭....when it's time to attend the show, Mary advised me to be the last one to enter so that Kelvin can see me 🤣🤣  far 🤣🤣 that's over....

     I stayed outside to be the last one as I was told by my boyfriend😅😅 I made myself very well by the time they all went inside,, I texted Mary to ask if my father is there but it shouldn't be a free job😅 and he said he is there again like you were talking about being nice to each other it's dangerous....  oooh, cool babe, I'm coming right now, I started walking towards the class at a slow pace, how fast am I now 😇😇 I got to the door and went in then I stopped to look like I'm looking for a place to stay Yan is full of worries 

     Mary wasn't even looking at me properly and when it was the masterplan, she didn't want to be known....I stood for about three minutes, I had faith here.  my thoughts were in the back. For Kelvin, I love him😩😩

     I was listening while this is happening, it's better when the episode ends, then Mary will direct me, yes, I'm relying on my rock, let me think about my boyfriend first.... the episode ended, I stayed with Mary, we wanted to stay first so that we can follow Kelvin and see where he's going to stay so that I can move 🙈🙈 and see what happens.  ..we stayed in there until he came out, I told Mary to watch him while he was sitting,, he followed her back and she said he is near the exit gate now the problem is that he is sitting with his friends....I said because the problem is where am I going and today it will be known that we are dating and I am ready.  ...I went to the place where Mary directed me, I got behind her and closed her eyes when she turned and saw me🙈🙈
     Hey now, what do you think will happen there? Will Kelvin really let go of his heart for that beautiful woman??......don't forget to stream it

     It will continue.....