Once upon a time, in the deep blue ocean, there lived a wise old whale named Wimmy. Wimmy was known throughout the sea for his kindness and wisdom. He loved helping the other sea creatures with their problems, big or small.
One day, Wimmy noticed a young fish named Wenky swimming alone, looking sad. Wimmy swam up to her and gently asked, "What's wrong, Wenky?"
Wenky sighed, "I wish I could be bigger and stronger, like the other fish. Then I would be brave enough to explore the ocean."
Wimmy thought for a moment and replied, "It's wonderful to want to grow, but remember, true strength comes from within. You donβt need to be big to be brave.Wenky nodded, feeling a little better. "What should I do, Wimmy?"
Wimmy smiled. "Start small. Find a tiny adventure each day, and soon youβll be brave enough for bigger journeys."
Wenky took Wimmyβs advice and started exploring little by little, gaining confidence each day. Before long, she was swimming far and wide, inspiring other young fish to follow their dreams too.
Moral of the story: True courage comes from within. Start small, and you'll find the strength to achieve big dreams.