One sunny afternoon, a curious boy named Sam went to the library for the first time. "Such a big library," he murmured.
He was amazed at all the rows of books: there were long shelves full of books on Math, English, Science, History and Stories!
He scratched his head. Where should I start? he thought.
Just as he was about to choose the science shelf, he heard a little voice: “Here, Sam!”
Sam looked around in surprise. He saw a shiny book on the math shelf, its corner beckoning to him.
“I'm Mr. Math,” the book proudly announced. “You should start with me.
I can teach you amazing things, like how to count stars or measure the highest mountains!”
Saim was just about to go to Mr. Maths when another voice came from the English shelf.
“Oh, Sam! Don't you want to learn new words and stories too?"
Said Miss English in a soft, sing-song voice.
"With me, you'll find and learn new words that will make you a master of vocabulary and take you on a magical journey of words.
Sam's eyes widened. "This also looks interesting!" he said, now he is even more confused about where to start.
Then, a book with a green cover from deep inside the science shelf interrupted him, "Listen, Sam!
If you really want to learn exciting things, you should read me first!
I am Mr. Science! I will tell you about animals, space, and even about the dinosaurs!
Who wouldn't want to know about the roaring dinosaurs?
Sam smiled, But before he could answer, a wise, excited voice rose from the shelf of history.
"Young man," he began softly, "I am Mrs. History.
"With me, you'll see the rise and fall of civilizations, as well as the good and bad times in human history."
I will take you back in time to meet kings, explorers, and inventors."
The storybooks on the opposite shelf, which had been listening eagerly, suddenly began to laugh.
“Ha! We may not be able to teach you the truth, but we are stories!
We will make you smile, fill you with excitement, and also give you entertainment, which helps to lighten your mood.
"Sam laughed. It was getting more exciting than he had expected.
But the books were not finished yet!
A leafy, blue book has bounced out from the poetry shelf.
“Hey! Don’t forget me!” she was saying in a chuckling way.
“I am a Ms. poet; with fun, short, and light words, I convey the thoughts and make things bright!”
Each book was trying to outdo the others; all of them were talking together until Sam raised his hands, laughing.
“Wah! You all look amazing! I want to read all of you!” he said with a big smile.
The books went silent after hearing his words.
"But," Sam said after much thought,
"I cannot read all of you together. Why not read each book a little at a time, so that I can discover something new every day?"
The books agreed, shaking their shoulders happily.
"That is a good idea, Sam. And remember, whenever you need us, we will always be here!" "Yes, yes! And whenever you want to search,
I will wait," said Mr. Science enthusiastically.
“Don't lose the homework of your maths!”
Mr. Math reminded him with a wink.
And so, Sam picked up a book from each shelf, from each subject.
From that day on, whenever he went to the library, he greeted his friends - The Talking Books - knowing that each one had something special.
Now the library became Sam's unknown world, where books were not just meant to be read; they were for discovery, to learn, and to make new friends.
Moral of the Story: Every subject has its own importance and value. By exploring a little bit of each, we can gain a knowledge of understanding of the world and discover new ways to learn and grow.