Other day in #music room students were playing on #piano. It was so nice to see their figures running on #white and #black keys. I was happy they were well trained when to press white and when to press black key. They were also familiar with how many times they have to press particular key on piano.
I said " dear students #life is also like piano. White keys represent ₹happiness while black key represent #sadness. With combination of both types of keys life creats its own #music."
One student said" madam is it possible that we have only white keys in our life piano and some how we avoid black keys in life piano."
I said " dear student it not possible to have life piano only with white keys which you are #imagining. Please see black keys in life piano play their #own music. That music is unique and teaches us 'hardest lessons of life. So please accept life piano as it is."
Moral - life piano containing only white keys will not be #interesting to play on.
Sukarma Thareja
Alumnus IITK