Truth of life

    rajni bala
    1 Likes | 1 Views | Oct 31, 2024

    I am an early riser. I usually wake up at 6:00 am. But, while I was in deep sleep, I got to hear some noise from outside. I got out of my bed and rushed towards the main gate of my house. As soon as, I opened the gate, I saw a man named Rahul was abusing his immediate neighbour - Mohan. The reason behind his aggresive attitude was, Mohan had parked his car in front of Rahul's boundary wall. 

    i often get to see these kind of fights in our area. People start abusing each other because of the small matters. We can't find friendly environment any more.  

    I want to ask my viewers that is it really what we came in the world. Is it the end goal of our lives. No, not at all.

    Then, why can't we share love and happiness?

    Let's come together to change the world and spread positivity all aroud. Let's make the world a beautiful place to live in!