Secret Love🖤🖤
Part 1 and 2
It was one quiet evening, my friend Mary and I were sitting on the beach enjoying the sea breeze after leaving college, suddenly I could see my boyfriend Kelvin with another girl a little bit by the sea... I was shocked but I felt that maybe it wasn't him, I just compared him when I lost it and continued telling a story with Mary
But as they were walking I was able to realize that it was Kelvin and I didn't compare him, I was sad why now my Kelvin is walking with another girl in the comfortable area 🥹🥹 and the way they were holding hands it is clear that they are lovers, I wanted to let Mary know that but the problem is that I and Kelvin we agreed that our love will be secret no one will know about our relationship 🥹🥹 what should I do to hide my sad feelings
Mary shocked me after seeing that I was sitting weakly, she shook my shoulders and said what's wrong my friend Hamisa why are you cold suddenly??!! Because I would have said that I would have broken the agreement between me and Kelvin to have secret love....we continued to tell the story but my eyes were only looking at Kelvin and the woman who had my eyes did not dry at all 😫😫 the truth is that I love Kelvin very much, how will I be able to bear it seeing him with another woman makes me feel like I'm torturing myself😣
Mary was busy snapping herself but my eyes were still busy just looking at my Kelvin while I was hurting inside 😣😣 later I tightened myself so that Mary couldn't notice anything but I was hurting a lot, it's not a secret... we ate mishkaki there then when I left I was
I always leave so that Kelvin doesn't know if I saw him at that time so I don't lose sight of him
I arrived at the front and stopped to wait for Mary because the speed I had left her far behind....Kelvin is a man who we all study in college but he is a boat boy than me. They have a lot of money. your friend sir😊😊 I was surprised and asked who is that friend??
"It's not Kelv, because I see that he has been following you for many days, I don't know why you have never accepted him, Aisee"
"Mmh, I just groaned in my heart and said you would have known 😝😝" I told him why do I even want him now and then he is just my friend and he doesn't want me like you feel"
"Ooh well then let's leave or how long are we staying here"
"We're going to Mary just a minute... my heart didn't want to leave without seeing Kelv again, I don't know why😣😣 this man grabbed me, let it go, but I have to leave, there's nothing I can do to stop what I saw today... I started to leave again at speed and left him many steps away Mary
I went outside at that time, Mary is behind me, she is just wondering how fast I am at 5G. Strangely, when I want to finish the area, I met Kelvin face to face.....
What do you think will happen between Hamisa and Kelvin at that place??? """stay tuned for the next episode"""
It will continue......
Part 2
I started shaking with anger, I didn't really expect if I would see Kelvin there, I felt my body run out of energy, strange anger rose up 🥹🥹 at that time the woman who was with him was not there, I was shaking as if I had been hit by hail, at that time Mary was just surprised, she didn't know what was going on and she felt that Kelvin wanted me people, we are dating for a long time😝😝.... I pushed Kelvin in front of me and started walking very fast from those places....
Mary ran to me and asked me what's going on between me and Kelvin....I told Mary my friend please leave that idiot and let's talk about our affairs I really don't want to talk about Kelvin just now I started crying 😭😭😭
My friend didn't understand this or that and he started coaxing me to tell him what was going on, I didn't have the strength to continue walking, I sat down like a burden,,,Marry was there by my side, he sat down and wanted to know what was happening to me.....
Hamisa sweetheart am your only one close friend please tell me what you're going through
I answered marry, I know but please let's go!
Before we even got up from the ground, Kelvin came and picked me up and put me on his shoulder. I was throwing my legs to let him go, but he overpowered me and went to load me in his car. I was crying at that time.....
He started driving, I didn't know where he was going, but my heart was hurting so much, I didn't even want to talk to him, he got to a place, parked, and started asking me Misa, why are you pretending like crazy? pretending like crazy surely🥹🥹
"Please Kelvin, please let me go to our house, I don't want to talk about anything with you"
"Oooh really so why don't you want to talk to me about anything, what's wrong??!....he was taking what he did very simple and that's what made me even more angry, he doesn't even know how to apologize aaarghhh😫😫
"Listen Misa let's go we will talk more at my house right?!
"Nooo I don't want to talk to you anything Kelv you're just playb😔y you're nothing to me anymore I don't want to anymore Kelv am done with youu
Kelvin didn't understand anything, he said he drove to his house, he arrived and opened the door for me, he had put me in the back of his car.... I had pulled my mouth to look like a crow's my bedroom Misa, we need to fix everything about our relationship and I don't want you to be hurt about me, come on, he spread his arms as a sign of wanting me to hug him.....
I passed by and didn't hug him or lead the way to his room. I arrived and looked at the mirror in his room while I was crying. He came and started wiping my tears. I pushed him there and sat on the bed and continued to cry.... I was just longing to be told why he was walking with a woman in comfortable places like those??! !! that's the question I needed his detailed answer to,,,he turned on his PC, what I saw on his computer was a picture of a woman, it was like a wallpaper, what he's wearing now is only bkn and t🥺p imagine....Do you think that picture is of who?? and what will it cause?? Stay tuned for the next part
It will continue.....