Sahil was a short tempered boy,who always wanted things to go in his own way.In any adverse condition, he would erupt like a volcano,hurting people around him.His anger had become a headache for his friends and family.
One day his grandfather took him to a riverbank ,sat with him and made a small boat of leaves.He asked Sahil to place it in water.Sahil did as according to his grandfather.The boat floated calmly on water.He felt peace within him, seeing the floating boat.
Then his grandfather took a stone and threw it in water.The ripples overturned the boat and it sank in the water.Sahil felt disturbed seeing the boat sinking in water.
Now his grandfather said to him” Did you see ! The boat was calmly floating on water but the ripples made by the stone sank it.The same goes with anger.It can disturb our life and sink the peace , love and everything good in our lives.One who can't control his anger,cannot get control on his life.
Sahil was listening carefully and patience fully to his grandfather.He realized that he had destroyed his life due to his anger.Now whenever he felt anger,he used to recall his grandfather's saying -
'Holding onto anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned.'He understood that peace,not anger, provides inner strength.
Anger doesn't solve anything.It cannot build anything but can destroy everything